Update attributes - sign up


  •  N/D

Technical Refinement


We currently have a checkbox to accept communications from promotions in the user's registration, but this checkbox only activates email, but the client wants to activate it for email and push notification as well.

Thinking of a simpler and faster solution, we want to add this logic directly to the backend, where we will have a feature flag in the user's registration, if the flag is active, we will use the email check for the push notification as well.

We need to do this because we currently have no way to activate push through the registration flow on the frontend, and to add this new attribute on the frontend we would have to change several repositories and that will take a lot of time. And in the same way the layout of the frontend cannot change, it must keep only one checkbox, so we would have to use the email flag again to activate the push, so it is more agile and effective to change directly in the backend

  • Task 1 - Add Feature flag for back-end

  • Task 2 - Change logic for push use activation of email

    • In repo int-user-service change logic for file src/users/user-signup.service.ts

    • In the function signUpUser

    • currently this code verify email and push and each one get your value, but for push is always undefined.

    • So the solution is use the value of email for push too, for example:



  • N/A

Impact Analysis

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Unit Test

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