How to set up a new restaurant

How to set up a new restaurant

Table of Contents

With this step-by-step doc we can create new restaurants in the WL App with an integrated and functional menu.

PUT a restaurant

Important: tried to add more items later and noticed that we have some delays in this sync where the items take a lot of time to be shown in the menu (at least 20 minutes in my tests)

Method: PUT


  • Token: partners api secret (dynamodb)



key: x-ui-region

value: ES


{ "address": { "address1": "Calle de Bravo Murillo 100, 28850", "address2": "", "city": "Madrid", "country": "Spain", "postalCode": "28020", "stateProvince": "", "stateProvinceShort": "" }, "coordinates": { "latitude": 40.447520, "longitude": -3.703660 }, "menuItems": [{"plu":"940270","price": 2500}], "restaurantName": "CIT Shop Rapha", "storeId": "7788", "timezone": "Europe/Madrid" }



Generate an integrationId and a partnerId

  • Clone https://github.com/rbilabs/intl-partners-api

  • yarn install

  • Setup AWS:

    • aws-vault exec rbi.dev.admin

    • unset AWS_VAULT

    • aws-vault exec rbi.dev.admin --no-session

  • yarn generate:jwt

  • Important: pay attation to the first configuration about awsRegion. Fill this before press enter

$ ts-node ./scripts/generate-jwt.ts prompt: awsRegion: (eu-central-1) (node:21731) NOTE: We are formalizing our plans to enter AWS SDK for JavaScript (v2) into maintenance mode in 2023. Please migrate your code to use AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3). For more information, check the migration guide at https://a.co/7PzMCcy (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created) eu-west-3 prompt: stage: (dev) prompt: brand: (PLK) prompt: 2-letter region code: ES prompt: Partner name (will be used as JWT sub claim): shoprapha prompt: Usage plan (basic or premium): (basic) prompt: API Key (leave blank to auto generate): prompt: Integration Id (leave blank to auto generate): prompt: Partner Id (leave blank to auto generate): Input received: ┌───────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ (index) │ Values │ ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ awsRegion │ 'eu-west-3' │ │ stage │ 'dev' │ │ brand │ 'PLK' │ │ region │ 'ES' │ │ sub │ 'shoprapha' │ │ usagePlan │ 'basic' │ │ apiKey │ '' │ │ integrationId │ 'dd58dca8-abca-4722-9893-e39dbde8f8f1' │ │ partnerId │ 'db5c3402-50e1-433a-876b-c10ddc439e8f' │ └───────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────┘ ===API Gateway: Found=== { id: 'x4rki34mgd', name: 'dev-plk-partners-api-apigw', description: 'REST API Gateway for Partners API', createdDate: 2022-05-10T12:47:01.000Z, binaryMediaTypes: [ '*/*' ], apiKeySource: 'AUTHORIZER', endpointConfiguration: { types: [ 'REGIONAL' ] }, tags: { app: 'partners-api', brand: 'plk', env: 'dev', 'rbi:brand': 'plk', 'rbi:service': 'partners-api', 'rbi:source': 'terraform', 'rbi:stage': 'dev', service: 'partners-api', stage: 'dev', version: 'ca8dbd0e' }, disableExecuteApiEndpoint: false } ===API Key: Created=== { id: 'jemf6c7rc8', value: 'Kw9EkBW6Yf6KpojDNqZq48FhRRhTe6yp7R1ygqD7', name: 'dev-plk-partners-api-shoprapha', description: 'shoprapha|db5c3402-50e1-433a-876b-c10ddc439e8f|dd58dca8-abca-4722-9893-e39dbde8f8f1', enabled: true, createdDate: 2023-09-13T15:25:51.000Z, lastUpdatedDate: 2023-09-13T15:25:51.000Z, stageKeys: [] } ===Usage Plan: Found=== { id: '70m16n', name: 'dev-plk-partners-api-basic-usage-plan', description: 'Basic usage plan', apiStages: [ { apiId: 'x4rki34mgd', stage: 'dev' } ], throttle: { burstLimit: 5, rateLimit: 500 }, quota: { limit: 20000, offset: 0, period: 'DAY' } } ===Usage Plan Key: Created=== { id: 'jemf6c7rc8', type: 'API_KEY', value: 'Kw9EkBW6Yf6KpojDNqZq48FhRRhTe6yp7R1ygqD7', name: 'dev-plk-partners-api-shoprapha' } ===API Gateway Deployment: Created=== { id: 'd7167p', createdDate: 2023-09-13T15:25:54.000Z } ===JWT Payload=== { iat: 1694618755, sub: 'shoprapha', brand: 'PLK', partnerId: 'db5c3402-50e1-433a-876b-c10ddc439e8f', integrationId: 'dd58dca8-abca-4722-9893-e39dbde8f8f1', apiKey: 'Kw9EkBW6Yf6KpojDNqZq48FhRRhTe6yp7R1ygqD7', region: 'ES' } ===JWT=== eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2OTQ2MTg3NTUsInN1YiI6InNob3ByYXBoYSIsImJyYW5kIjoiUExLIiwicGFydG5lcklkIjoiZGI1YzM0MDItNTBlMS00MzNhLTg3NmItYzEwZGRjNDM5ZThmIiwiaW50ZWdyYXRpb25JZCI6ImRkNThkY2E4LWFiY2EtNDcyMi05ODkzLWUzOWRiZGU4ZjhmMSIsImFwaUtleSI6Ikt3OUVrQlc2WWY2S3BvakROcVpxNDhGaFJSaFRlNnlwN1IxeWdxRDciLCJyZWdpb24iOiJFUyJ9.NczhVp1vBoWwDt7FM9DQMKVo18ZqSofk9efxooKq5Hw

Create Integration

Method: POST


  • Token: partners api secret (dynamodb)

  • Example:


key: x-ui-region

value: ES


{ "brand": "PLK", "country": "ES", "storeIds": ["7788"], "integrationId": "dd58dca8-abca-4722-9893-e39dbde8f8f1", "partnerId": "db5c3402-50e1-433a-876b-c10ddc439e8f" }


Note that the storeIds were inputted above, but later, you’ll that this association really didn’t work. According to the swagger, it could work using an object like

Alternatively, you can update your integration as you can see in the following steps.

Validate the integration

Method: GET


  • Token: partners api secret (dynamodb)

  • Example:


key: x-ui-region

value: ES


Body: N/A

Note: See the missing stores.

Update your integration to include your restaurant

Method: PUT


  • Token: partners api secret (dynamodb)

  • Example:


key: x-ui-region

value: ES


Find the restaurant in the app

Note that only the Menu Items that you configured for the restaurant will be available:

The following cart page will only be available if the restaurant webhooks are well configured

Copy a restaurant menu to the new restaurant

After creating the restaurant, we can copy the Zaragoza (1111) menu to the newly created restaurant. In this way, we’ll have a restaurant with a menu that we know will work.


Created restaurants

  • BK ES → In the moment I’m writing this we can’t reach the success page

    • Metro Sol, C. de Esparteros, 3, 28012 Madrid, Spain

  • BK PT → In the moment I’m writing this we can reach the success page

    • R. Maria Amália Vaz de Carvalho 47, 1700-333 Lisboa, Portugal

  • PLK ES → In the moment I’m writing this we can reach the success page

    • C. de Eduardo Torroja, 28914 Leganés, Madrid, Spain

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