Tech Refinement - Showing fee savings


We currently send a single discount to the front end as the delivery discount, and we aim to display the service fee discount separately. Essentially, we want to show the original amount, crossed out, and place the word "free" next to it in a prominent highlight.


Add a new field in LaunchDarkly to store the discount value. The field will be named serviceFeeDiscount with a value of N cents that will discount the calculated serviceFee by that amount in cents.

A second new field will be added in LaunchDarkly named serviceFee that if populated will override the calculation previously used the calculate the serviceFee. After reviewing the code this feature already exists. As long as serviceFeePercent is null or 0 the value used will be the value stored in serviceFee.

Technical Solution

Sequence diagram of solution flow

Note that the proposed changes have synergy with the refinement to show the service fees in DMP:

Detailed flow

Simplified flow
