[Opportunity] Allow Payment methods by DOP v2
Document Status | In progress |
Document Owner(s) | @Goncalves, Felipe |
Reviewers |
What is the context and status quo of the opportunity
This documentation aims to enhance the initial version of this solution here.
We have delivered an initial version of the payment allowance feature, which currently operates only in the home delivery service mode. In this version, users can select the offline payment methods they wish to enable for use in the WL-App by the restaurant.
In this second version, we aim to enhance the existing solution by providing more information in Sanity and giving users the flexibility to schedule changes to the payment permissions.
Problem Statement
Summary of the opportunity’s main findings and what is going to be addressed
Epic of this version: https://rbictg.atlassian.net/browse/IBFEC-3213
Enhance the WL-App to retrieve the allowed payment methods more efficiently. Currently, the app only gathers this information when the user searches for a restaurant, which can lead to a delay in accessing updated data, such as when a user has already saved a restaurant;
Update DOP translates of each payment methods;
Clean up some payments on Sanity Restaurant;
Create a schedule to active/desactive the payment methods states.
Expected Outcome
What are the goals the opportunity is going to address
# | Requirement | MoSCow matrix (Must, Should, Could) | Comments |
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Success Metrics
Open questions
Stakeholder Interviews
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User Research
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Competitor Landscape
[Document here the main insights from what the competition is doing if applicable]