Update Basket



This endpoint is used to add items to the basket of an existing Loyalty transaction, either by scanning pre-selected offers/rewards, or by using the client app’s user interface.

Request Format


PUT /loyalty/v2/updateBasket


Bearer token in JWT format as specified in .


  • transactionId <UUID>: unique identifier of the Loyalty transaction to be updated.

  • <TBC - basket contents>


Example request

{ "transactionId": "f4190848-169d-4c69-9f53-f916318c432b", }

Response Format

Content from this point onwards has not been updated.

Success response body

  • balances: object that indicates loyalty balance of the user's account

    • amount <number>: this represents the number of loyalty points the user has. If this QR code was pre-selected with rewards, then this number already has those loyalty points temporarily deducted from total user’s loyalty points balance.

    • currency <string>: this represents the currency the above amount. Normally set to "points".

  • loyaltyUser: object that indicates information about this loyalty user

    • created <string>: string that represents that date and time user loyalty account was created

    • id <string>: Loyalty ID of the user in UUID format

    • name <string>: name of the user that was saved upon account creation.

  • order: an array that includes objects with the below fields for each product that is in the order basket.

    • productId <string>: PLU of the product that was pre-selected in the app. This can be an offer or a reward.

    • quantity <number>: the amount of the above product that is in the loyalty order.

    • price <number>: the price of the product

    • productType <string>: the type of product. In this case it would either be REWARD or OFFER

    • referenceId <string>: unique line ID of the product

  • content: array that indicates all the offer and reward content available for that market

    • title <string>: title of the reward or offer as was set in Sanity.

    • description <string>: description of the reward or offer as was set in Sanity.

    • moreInfo <string>: disclaimer of the reward or offer as was set in Sanity.

    • image <link>: url of the image of the reward or offer as was set in Sanity.

    • plu <string>: PLU of the reward or offer as was set in Sanity for the pos vendor of the integration

    • rules: array containing all rules inside offer or reward if applicable (e.g. 200 loyalty points needed to use the reward, offer only available on Wednesdays)

  • transactionId <string>: Order ID in UUID format of the loyalty order

Success response example

{ "balances": [ { "amount": 14464, "currency": "points" } ], "loyaltyUser": { "created": "2021-08-10T12:18:39.180Z", "id": "4711fc2a-3a8f-414f-a9e7-44dd5231dca7", "name": "Farhan" }, "order": [ { "productId": "2244", "quantity": 1, "price": 0, "productType": "REWARD", "referenceId": "01", }, { "productId": "6688", "quantity": 1, "price": 500, "productType": "OFFER", "referenceId": "02", }, ], "content": [ { "title": "Small Fries Reward", "description": "Order this reward and get free small fries", "moreInfo": "Contains allergens", "image": "https://cdn.sanity.io/images/czqk28jt/staging_bk_gb/fc7c2a73e7a9bf14f3e3401bedcc090c4f421c67-1333x1333.png", "plu": "8810", "rules": [ { "type": "loyaltyPoints", "points": 200, } ], }, { "title": "MEAT FREE MONDAYS VEGAN ROYALE", "description": "Vegan Royale for just £2.99. Only on Mondays. Use app code APP903 if using a kiosk.", "moreInfo": "Not valid in conjunction with any other offer. One voucher per transaction. Valid only in the UK. Subject to availability. Voucher valid at participating restaurants only. Not valid at Burger King motorway service locations, airports train stations and holiday parks. © 2023 Burger King Europe GmbH. All rights reserved.", "image": "https://cdn.sanity.io/images/czqk28jt/prod_bk_gb/aae9c1303b7cea013c984ee647ed7898ce6cfce9-1000x850.png", "plu": "9920", "rules": [ { "type": "day-of-week-band" friday:false monday:true saturday:false sunday:false thursday:false tuesday:false wednesday:false }, { "type": "service-mode-restrictions" CATERING_DELIVERY:true CATERING_PICKUP:true CURBSIDE:true DELIVERY:false DRIVE_THRU:true EAT_IN:true TABLE_SERVICE:true TAKEOUT:true }, { "type": "limit" interval:day maximumRedemptions:1 }, ], }, ], "transactionId": "f4190848-169d-4c69-9f53-f916318c432b" // uuid of the loyalty order/transaction }

Error responses

All error responses use the standard format.

  • HTTP 400 (Bad Request) if the request body has an incorrect format. In this case, the response will include details about which specific field or fields have an incorrect format.

  • HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) if the bearer token is missing or not valid.

  • HTTP 403 (Forbidden): if the specified identifier is not valid.

  • HTTP 404 (Not Found): if the specified storeId was not found.