Identify (PUT)



This endpoint is used when a guest scans an identifier generated by the RBI app (which could be an OTP or the Loyalty ID) at a client device (typically a POS or Kiosk terminal), when the guest has already been identified. This endpoint must be used after has been called during the first scan.

Request Format


PUT /loyalty/v2/identify


Bearer token in JWT format as specified in .


  • identifier <string>: OTP (6 digit code) or Loyalty ID in UUID format.

  • transactionId <UUID>: unique identifier of the transaction.

Example request

{ "identifier": "123456", "transactionId": "f4190848-169d-4c69-9f53-f916318c432b" }

Response Format

Success response body

  • balances: object that indicates loyalty balance of the user's account

    • amount <number>: this represents the number of loyalty points the user has. If this QR code was pre-selected with rewards, then this number already has those loyalty points temporarily deducted from total user’s loyalty points balance.

    • currency <string>: this represents the currency the above amount. Normally set to "points".

  • order: an array that includes objects with the below fields for each product that is in the order basket.

    • productId <string>: PLU of the product that was pre-selected in the app. This can be an offer or a reward.

    • quantity <number>: the amount of the above product that is in the loyalty order.

    • price <number>: the price of the product

    • productType <string>: the type of product. In this case it would either be REWARD or OFFER

    • referenceId <string>: unique line ID of the product

Success response example

{ "balances": [ { "amount": 14464, "currency": "points" } ], "order": [ { "productId": "2244", "quantity": 1, "price": 0, "productType": "REWARD", "referenceId": "01", }, { "productId": "6688", "quantity": 1, "price": 500, "productType": "OFFER", "referenceId": "02", }, ] }

Error responses

All error responses use the standard format.

  • HTTP 400 (Bad Request) if the either identifier or transactionId are not included with the request body, or if these parameters have an incorrect format.

  • HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) if the bearer token is missing or not valid.

  • HTTP 404 (Not Found): in the following scenarios indicated in the code field of the error response:

    • "CodeNotFound": the specified identifier has not been found;

    • "TransactionNotFound": the specified transaction has not been found.

  • HTTP 403 (Forbidden): if the specified identifier was generated for a different transactionId.