Payments - Overview
This page documents the payment customer journey.
What are payments?
What are payments?
By payment we refer to the last step in the user journey where guests input their payment information to send the money from their bank account to the restaurant’s or franchisee’s bank account. Please consider the visualization below:
What payments methods are available?
Here are the primary payment types typically available per market:
Cash Payments
If guests wish to pay with cash, they can select the cash option in the payment page. They’ll be able to place the order without adding any payment information.
Please note that the money won’t be collected until the guests collects the order from the restaurant or receives it in case of delivery.
Please note: Cash payments are disabled by default due to increased operational complexity. Please contact your CSM if you wish to enable it.
Credit and Debit Cards:
Guests can input their credit card information in the following fields below
Supported cards depend on your payment service provider. You can read more about PSPs in the following section.
Please note: Required fields may differ per market based on market and PSP specific requirements.
Digital Wallets:
Alternative payment methods like digital wallets can also be supported if available in your PSP. Services such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal and others enable customers to make payments using stored card information or directly from their bank accounts. They offer a fast and convenient checkout process, enhanced security through tokenization, and reduce the need to repeatedly enter payment details.