Customer Support - Configuration Guide



The Customer Support service (also known as the Guest Ticketing Middleware) helps us redirect Support tickets. Different Support Partners are able to raise and receive Support Tickets using our Partner APIs to increase scalability of our platform and improve user experience.

The ticketing middleware leverages the Partner APIs platform. One of the Partner API principles is that it is an agnostic interface. It means that Partner API doesn't know who is talking with it or what is the technology behind it, the Partners API just provides the communication protocol, in other words, the endpoints and the webhooks.

Moreover in the case of Support Tickets, if one of the partners wants to receive a ticket, then this partner needs to be subscribed in the Partner's admin with an endpoint that will be able to handle a payload like this:

How a support ticket prompt shows in the guest app

How to configure

Note: the below steps assume the ticketing middleware partner is already correctly integrated with our Partner API support ticket webhooks:

Customer Support configuration can be done in Sanity. It’s possible to choose which type of ticket each category will be forwarded to. There are two places this has to be configured:

  • CTG Configs > Support > Support Sub-Categories:

    • Submit Support Requests to External Partners has to be turned ON.

    • For Iberia, the DMP agreed to use Knowledge Force Issue ID to map issues internally, so there’s a pre-agreed list of IDs each sub-category should use.

  • CTG Configs > Support > Support Category Groups:

    • The Ticket Type field will determine where the ticket will be forwarded when sent to Partners:

      • General will fire the GENERAL_SUPPORT_TICKET webhook event.

      • Store will fire the STORE_SUPPORT_TICKET webhook event.

    • Each market or FZ can configure these to hit whatever partner they want.

    • There’re additional rules for STORE that are hard-coded, like:

      • If the ticket has no order associated with it, it will skip STORE and go to GENERAL.

      • If the ticket is STORE, but has been submitted Store Support Ticket Time Threshold minutes after the order has been placed, it will skip STORE and go to GENERAL.

    • This means, that for a Subcategory to be sent to STORE; it has to have an extra option enabled to allow the user to select a recent order, otherwise it will never match these rules: