The code reviews are per task;
Create a feature flag to your feature and create a technical debt to remove the flag posteriorly.
Always create a branch referring to sub-task from
branch.Branch name using the Jira ID and sub-task name:
To features: feat/IBFEC-123-sub-task-name
To bugs: hotfix/IBFEC-123-sub-task-name
Commit name:
Prefix - is the type of your commit. Accepted prefixes are:
feat | hotfix | build | docs | ci | perf | refactor | style | test
[IBFEC-123] feat: added feature flag on component
[IBFEC-123] hotfix: fix to resolve save error
[IBFEC-123] test: create unit test component
Analyze each commit on cicle-ci:
Good practices to Open the PR:
If you are changing an existent code, after you finish is good to run the integration tests to validate that nothing was broken and attach the print on your pull request
Always attach evidence of your job, unless it’s not possible.
Add descriptions that you think are worth mentioning, for example, when you adjust something that is not directly related to your task
When opening the PR there are some topics to be filled in, and it is good practice to fill them in.
PR name: Always use the sub-task name for the title and the sub-task Jira ID for the “label” [IBFEC-X]
[IBFEC-3][Q2] - Optional Secondary Call to Action
Summary: A summary of what this activity is about, for example:
In this demand, a new flow was developed to save the user's address.Context: Give the context with more details of the development, describe something more detailed, for example:
In this new address saving flow, the user will be able to save his address entered in the delivery flow, the user will be able to add a nickname to your saved address and in the order details it will add a contact phone and that phone will be saved in your address, when the user goes to make a new delivery, he will be presented with a list with all his saved addresses, so he can choose which one
he prefers and his address and telephone data will already be filled in.Links to related PRs:
In this place we must place links that are related to this activity, for example, the Jira link of the story, other activities that can bring impact.
It is important to inform which flags were added, another important detail is to verify the impact of this flag turned on, as a guarantee to leave it turned on only in DEV environments and for PLK.Screenshots
Here we can add photos, GIFs or videos of how the flow was and how it turned out, the more details the better.
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