System wide offers are the ‘base’ offers in the loyalty offers system. They are the closest match to how offers exist in the current offer system - will be referred to as ‘Cross Brand App Offers’ or ‘CBA Offers’ from here on out. All of the data and configuration for a systemwide offer is defined in sanity
In the app, systemwide offers are located at /rewards/offers. Note that routing to /offers will redirect here when systemwide offers is enabled.
The configuration for systemwide offers are located in sanity under Order-Level Content > Loyalty > Incentives > Offers >Systemwide Offers.
How to Create a System Wide Offer
Most sanity fields within system wide offers are the same or similar to the fields in CBA offers. This guide will highlight anything new in system wide offers in blue.
Step 1: Navigate to Order-Level Content > Loyalty > Incentives > Offers > Systemwide Offers
Step 2: Click on the pencil icon to create a new systemwide offer
Step 3: Content Section
We’ve broken up content fields and offer mechanic fields to make it easier to create and update systemwide offers. The key distinction between the two is that ‘mechanics’ fields have a direct impact on the functionality of the offer, where content fields are purely visual.
This is the name of the offer that will be displayed. This field and all its translations are required to be filled out.
5% Off Your Order
Description REQUIRED
This is the description of the offer. This field and all its translations are required to be filled out.
Take 5% off
Localized ImageREQUIRED
This is the image that appears on the left of the card in the offer list view. It is also the primary image when the user is on the specific offer link. This field and all its translations are required to be filled out.
From the previous example:
UI Pattern
UI pattern determines what UI form the offer appears to the user.
NOTE: Until Quests & Promo Codes are built into Loyalty Offers, only select ‘Standard offer’
Short Code
This is the 4 digit code that identifies the digital offer in PMIX. For loyalty enabled restaurants, in restaurant redemption occurs by adding the offer to the users' in restaurant basket and generating a unique 6 digit loyalty basket code. For non-loyalty enabled restaurants, this short code is also what an user would show a team member in restaurant to redeem an offer.
Step 4: Mechanics Section
We’ve broken up content fields and offer mechanic fields to make it easier to create and update systemwide offers. The key distinction between the two is that ‘mechanics’ fields have a direct impact on the functionality of the offer, where content fields are purely visual.
This is the section where you can define what the rule configurations should be for a user to be able to view and use the offer.
For a more detailed breakdown of each rule:
Rulesets for Offers, Rewards and Promotions
This is where you define the benefit the user receives if they are able to redeem the offer.
Incentives linked to the offer can be an item, combo, picker, or discount from the menu or not. The toggle isOfferBenefit no longer needs to be enabled when creating a new offer.
This field needs to be filled out for the offer to be Published.
Offer activation and Swap are no longer used and were deprecated.
This section is no longer relevant for systemwide offers. You do not need to make any changes here.
Add the dayparts that the offer should be eligible for here. This field can accomodate more than one daypart. Ensure the spelling matches the daypart in MDM.
If this field is left empty, the offer will be available in all dayparts
Upsell Options
In this section FZ can configure upsell offers. Any offer added here will be prompted as an upsell when the user clicks Add to Mobile order
or Redeem In Restaurant
in an offer.
When the Hide This Offer from Offer's List
toggle is set to true this offer will not show in the user's offer list, even if it is added to the Sorted Offers in Sanity. This can be used for Upsell Offers, if we don't want to show them in the user's offers list and want it to only be accessible through the Upselling Modal
How it looks in the App:
All strings shown below are translatable
User clicks on Offer
User Clicks Redeem In Restaurant
User chooses to Upsell Offer
Step 5: Add Vendor Configs REQUIRED
These are the POS specific PLUs that apply to the specific offer. It is important to ensure that a value is configured for each POS vendor even if it’s just marking it as “empty” or “ignore”. This field needs to be filled out for the offer to published
Step 6: Set Test Only Toggle
This test only toggle is a safeguard against an offer appearing in production with incomplete config. You should enable this toggle if you are only using the offer for testing or if the config is not ready for production.
Step 7: Define Redemption Type REQUIRED
Define what kind of offer this should be. Regular offers contained in the /rewards/offers page should be standard offers. Surprise and Delight offers should be surprise. Swap offers should be swap. Refer to the terms document for more details on surprise & delight and swap offers.
Step 8: Publish
Publish your offer when complete. After publishing, you should see this field populate because the loyalty engine has assigned your swoffer an ID
Step 9: Position
Navigate to Order-Level Content > Loyalty > Loyalty Offers UI > Offers > Systemwide Offers and add your offer. Drag it to the position you want in the list and publish.
Once published, you will see the sytemwide offer populate on the Offers List page (base url/rewards/offers) in the app.
Note: The URL for the systemwide offer will be constructed using the Loyalty Engine ID
Example URL:
{baseurl}/rewards/offers/{loyalty engine ID of systemwide offer}