Delivery - Configuration

Delivery - Configuration

This page details the delivery specific configuration available for operators.


Delivery is another service mode, where orders are transported to the customer’s selected address. As such, there’s limited configuration needed in our platform besides the requirements outlined in Delivery - Getting started | What does delivery require?.

However, the Delivery Fulfillment Provider holds key configuration such as delivery areas, driver availability and delivery fees.

Restaurant delivery areas

Delivery areas are configured by the Delivery Fulfillment Provider, usually in their Driver Management Platform. Please contact them to configure delivery areas.

The restaurant delivery area is the area that a store can transport food to. It can be represented either by a circumference or a polygon around the restaurant. Addresses outside the delivery area won’t be accepted for a given restaurant.

Example delivery polygon

Getting the right delivery area is important – if it’s too small orders might be lost, if it’s too large drivers might spend too much time in transit.

Driver assignment & availability

Driver availability is configured by the Delivery Fulfillment Provider, usually in their Driver Management Platform. Please contact them to configure drivers.

Driver assignment determines the store the a driver delivers for, and driver availability determines when a driver is available for delivery.

Example DMP showing drivers and assigned store (“Teams”)

Typically, it is required for drivers to start their shift in their driving app so that they’re available. This process will vary per DMP.

Driver availability is important because when a guest looks up an order, the RBI platform will check with the Delivery Fulfillment Provider if eligible stores have drivers available.

Delivery fees

Delivery fees are configured by the Delivery Fulfillment Provider and provided to the RBI platform as part of the delivery integration. You can learn more about the integration here: Delivery API.

Delivery fees are used to cover the cost of transportation. They are displayed to guests in the checkout page.

Two types of delivery fees exist:

  • Service fee: % over the total cart amount.

  • Delivery fee: fixed fee. Typically, this fee is removed after the cart reaches a certain amount (e.g. ‘free delivery over $20’). When that’s done, we display a progress bar to encourage guests to add more items to their order.

Delivery fees are a powerful marketing lever. With the right mechanic, you can encourage guests to increase their average check.

Conversely, high delivery fees will negatively impact guest conversion – leading to guests not placing orders because the fees are too high.

If your market uses Bringg as a delivery fulfillment provider, please reach out to your CSM. CSM documentation: https://rbictg.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CONFIG/pages/4843929611/How+to+configure+delivery+fees+for+SICOM

Delivery prices

Menu prices for delivery might be different than in-restaurant or pick up prices.

To manage different prices we rely on different PLUs for delivery. You can learn more about it here: Menu - Pricing & Availability Management

Delivery disclaimers

Delivery disclaimers are images and text displayed during the delivery journey and used to show customers who is taking care of the delivery fulfillment / service, typically when it’s done by third parties (e.g. Uber Direct).

Delivery disclaimers are not required for delivery to work.

Delivery disclaimers are configured in Sanity under Marketing Content → Features → Feature Disclaimers → Delivery Disclaimer / Logo.

Sanity field


Sanity field













Best practice tip: use an image without a background for the delivery logo field.


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