Where to Configure Rewards?
All rewards will be configured in Sanity at {{sanity url}}/desk/loyalty;incentives;rewards;rewards
Example URL for DEV BK CH: https://dev-bk-menu.ch.rbi.tools/desk/orderLevelContent;loyalty;incentives;rewards;rewards
How to Create a New Reward?
To create a new reward, click on the '+' at the top of the page
Necessary inputs:
Loyalty Engine ID: This will be added by the loyalty engine, you won’t be able to update here
More Info: This is where you can input the legal terms & conditions (optional)
How to redeem: Steps on how to redeem the reward (optional)
Background Image: Optional
Rulesets: See rules doc Mechanics
Incentive: The item/combo that you can apply the reward to. This is the ‘normal’ item or combo, not one that is created like we do for offers
VendorConfigs: The POS offer PLUs per vendor
Picker-Style Rewards
To accommodate pickers in the rewards list, you must prepare the rewards in 2 ways:
Create a reward where the incentive points to a picker of normal menu items
This is the reward that should be added to a reward category. Users will navigate from the rewards list, through the menu wizard picker flow, and ultimately arrive at 1 item that is added to their cart
Create individual rewards for each of the picker options
These rewards should not be added to any menu categories
Adding these individual rewards is how we can recognize the item in cart as reward-eligibile, even if the user added it from the normal menu and not the rewards list
Both of these setups work independently of each other (ie: if you only create the picker reward, the flow from the list view will still work). However, both are necessary in order to be feature complete and support both list-view redemption, and straight from the menu redemption.
Reward Categories
The way you want to group rewards in the list view. These may be point tiers, menu categories, etc.
If you are defining rewards categories by point tier, you can add validation to the category. This way, if you add a 400 point item to the tier defined as ‘0-250’, Sanity will throw an error and will not let you publish
The order in which the Rewards
are listed within the categories is the order they will appear on screen
Rewards List
The rewards list is a compilation of the Rewards Categories
If your Rewards Categories
are not listed in the Rewards List
, they will not show on the UI
The order you list the Rewards Categories
inside of the Rewards List
will be reflected
MDM Setup
**Content team to add instructions on MDM setup