Sign Up and Sign In

This page is deprecated. For Sign Up / Sign In events, please refer to:

Event Name




Event Name




Sign Up Submitted


A sign up request was submitted.


Sign Up Complete

  • Method: OTP, Biometrics, Social, Auto Sign Up

  • Social Service: Apple, Facebook, Google

  • Biometrics: Face ID, Touch ID, Face, Fingerprint

  • hasInvitationCodeOnSignUp will be a boolean with options TRUE or FALSE (set to True if user signs up with Invitation Code)

  • invitationCodeOnSignupReferralCode will have the code the user inputted into the Invitation Code Field

  • Response Type Success Failure

  • Response Description GraphQL error: invitation code does not exist, please insert an existing one

  • A sign up request was completed, i.e. the sign up form has been processed successfully by the server. IF a user successfully signs up as a registered user the event attribute Response will be marked as Success and if not as Failure with the reason recorded in event attribute response description

  • When a user signs up but the typed invitation code is not found in the database



Face ID and Touch ID (iOS)

Face and Fingerprint (Android)

Sign In Complete

  • Method: OTP, Biometrics, Social, Auto Sign In

  • Social Service: Apple, Facebook, Google

  • Biometrics: Face ID, Touch ID, Face, Fingerprint

A sign in request was completed, i.e. the sign in form has been processed successfully by the server. IF a user successfully signs in as a registered user the event attribute Response will be marked as Success and if not as Failure with the reason recorded in event attribute response description



  • Face ID and Touch ID (iOS)

  • Face and Fingerprint (Android)

One Time Password Sign In Start


A sign-in request was sent using the one-time validation code (via email or SMS)


One Time Password Code Validation


A OTP validation process was complete. If the user successfully signed in the ev. attribute Response will be marked as Success and if not as Failure with the reason recorded in ev. Attribute response description


Sign Out Complete


A user successfully signs out of the website/mobile app


Auto Sign In


A user is automatically signed in on the website/mobile app after signed up
<global attributes>


Auto Sign In Start


(If the sign in method = Auto sign in)
A user started the signs in flow.


Auto Sign In Complete


(If the sign in method = Auto sign in)
A user completed the signs in flow.


Invitation Code

Event Name

Response Type


Response Description

Event Name

Response Type


Response Description


Sign Up Complete


When a user signs up but the typed invitation code is not found in the database

GraphQL error: invitation code does not exist, please insert an existing one