[DEPRECATED] Nutrition Explorer

[DEPRECATED] Nutrition Explorer

The Nutrition Explorer is a feature we created to enable the brands to show all the nutritional information for their items in a dynamic way and giving the user the option to gather some additional information that might not be that prominent in the menu.

It has two sections:

  1. Nutrition Explorer → Which displays nutrition of items

  2. Tasty Swaps → Which displays comparative items to offer a healthier option to a user that might be interested in it

To Enable this you need to select:

LD Flag enableNutritionExplorer as true and if you would also like the allergens to display enable enable-nutrition-explorer-allergens

If you do not need Tasty swaps mark LD Flag enableNutritionExplorerTastySwapsLanding as true

How can you set it up?

  • Start in the static page folder and create a new static page

  • Set the path to be nutrition-explorer

  • In the widgets select the nutrition explorer one and set up the following sections of the widget:

    • Menu → Select the menu you would like the nutrition explorer to grab the information form, usually is going to be the same as the default menu

    • View Menu Text → This will only be if you have tasty swaps enabled and it would be to display the button to guide the user to the nutrition explorer menu

    • Mad Lib Filter group →

      • One functionality that the nutrition explorer has is to be able to filter out by two different qualities:

        • Filters where conditions cannot be known by nutritional information (caloric or allergen) any qualities you would like.

          • Add a name for the filter

          • Conditions, select the items you would like that filter to be effective on

        • Filters where conditions can be known by nutritional information:

          • Add a description to capture users attention

          • Add filters you can select allergen, caloric information or parent category

    • Tasty Swaps → Here you will be able to configure the tasty swaps combinations you would like to display the users

    • Categories → What categories you would like the nutrition explorer to display. If you do not select anything it will display menu,

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