Versions Compared


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Order-Level Content → Menu → Modifier Multiplier


Modifier Type

Rules / Acceptance Criteria


  • itemOption has two options with modifierMultipliers 0 and 1

  • singleChoiceOnly = false

  • Grouped by display group, use as headers in Customize section

  • Ignore:

    • displayModifierMultiplierName

    • itemOption min and max- always 0 and 1

Non-numeric range


  • singleChoiceOnly = false

  • displayModifierMultiplierName = true

    • Use modifier multiplier prefix to display quantity

  • Grouped by display group, use as headers in Customize section

  • If no prefixes (for all or only some of the quantity options), default to using modifier multiplier numbers for all values. There shouldn’t be a mix of prefixes and numbers.

  • Ignore:

    • itemOption min and max- always 0 and 1

Numeric range

  • singleChoiceOnly = false

  • displayModifierMultiplierName = false

    • Use modifier multiplier number to display quantity

  • Grouped by display group, use as headers in Customize section

  • Ignore:

    • itemOption min and max- always 0 and 1

Select one from options

  • itemOption max = 1

  • singleChoiceOnly = true

  • No display group, use modifier group name from MDM as header

  • Ignore:

    • displayModifierMultiplierName

Select multiple from options

  • itemOption max > 1

  • singleChoiceOnly = true

  • No display group, use modifier group name from MDM as header

  • Sub-header to indicate max number of selections: “Choose x {modifierGroup}”

    • Use same wording/Lokalise key as cart add-ons max

  • Since we will default users to x number of selections, all + should be disabled and they should have to decrement the selection they don’t want in order to enable the + on other selections

  • Ignore:

    • displayModifierMultiplierName

Steps to disable a modifier for a certain restaurant:

  1. Remove the PLUs for the modifier multiplier that you don't want any more from the restaurant PLUs list.

  2. Toggle the "Inject Default Selection" for the modifier in Sanity if the default value is not the one that should be available. (read below for explanation)

    Image Added
  3. Turn the enable-hide-modifier-multipliers flag ON.


Note: If the modifier has a default modifier multiplier it will always be included in the list of options (regardless if it is available on the restaurant or not) unless the "Inject Default Selection" toggle is turned on in Sanity. Here is the logic in the code that always marks a MM as available if it is the default one:


Unused Information

You might see additional fields in this document that are not part of this guide. Please disregard them as they are not needed for your Menu setup.