[DEPRECATED] Modifier Multiplier
Order-Level Content → Menu → Modifier Multiplier
What is a Modifier Multiplier?
Modifier Multipliers the options you can have for each of the ingredients that the brand allows to get modified in each item, they have a PLU related to each of them in a lot of cases but there might be POS exceptions.
These are what you might know as ingredients that are modifiable in each of our items like No Tomato (Sandwich), Regular Tomato (Sandwich), Extra Tomato (Sandwich), Regular Lettuce (Sandwich), Extra Sugar (Coffee), Light Milk (Coffee).
Modifier Multipliers are the options within a Modifier.
Special Note for Modifiers
In the US and Canada, Modifiers will come from an automated sync from MDS. The team will have to create them in MDS before.
In international markets we used to but now they will be created with the set up process provided below.
If you are not in the USA or Canada, this guide is for you!
Editing Modifier Multipliers
In this space you will link the corresponding Modifier. For example, if you are creating the Modifier Multiplier for No Tomato, you will link the Tomato Modifier.
You need to have already created the Modifier previously
This field is only applicable for USA and Canada, where Modifiers and Modifier Multipliers are synchronized from MDS
Vendor Configs
Your POS will have a different PLU for all the different options.
You will need to add to each modifier multiplier its PLU, the same way you have done for Items or Combos.
In your brand and country Sanity environment, you will see the Service Mode Groups (Pickup and Delivery) and POS used, as well as the Tablet system in place, in case some restaurants use a POS without order injection integration.
In the example above, please note that rPOS will include the PLU of items for all Pickup service modes (Takeaway, Dine-in, Drive-thru, Curbside), whereas rPOS Delivery refers to the PLU of items for delivery only.
For each Service Mode Group (Pickup and Delivery), you will need to configure the correct PLU.
This is the name of the selection that the customer will see, associated to the multiplier that you will define right after.
This is necessary for the system to calculate nutrition for your modfiers multipliers correctly and for the backend of the application to understand the build of each item.
Note below an example of multipliers and their equivalent prefixes.
Multiplier | Prefix |
0 | No |
0.5 | Light |
1 | Regular |
1.5 | Extra |
2 | Extra (Whole modifier like a hamburger patty) |
Why are there 0.5 or 1.5 multipliers? Shouldn’t it be only integer numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4, etc?
For some modifiers, such as Hamburger Patty, makes sense to rely only on integer multipliers. In fact, you cannot serve half a Hamburger to your guests, or a Hamburger and a half. The only option is to serve full Hamburger Patties, like 1, 2, 3, etc.
However, there are modifiers that can be served in halves. Pick Cheese slices, for example: if your item contains, by default, 2 slices of Cheese, how do you offer your guests the possibility to add 1 extra slice? Well, the above means:
Regular Cheese multiplier = 2 slices of Cheese
Extra Cheese multiplier = 3 slices of Cheese
For the POS to charge the guest correctly, we need to multiply the Regular modifier by 1.5, because in this case each 0.5 is the equivalent to 1 Cheese slice. The same rational can be applied to Bacon slices, Ketchup, Mayo… It will depend on your Menu composition.
The key question: is the modifier you are configuring divisible in halves or whole / indivisible?
Channel Exclusions
Need to show different items depending on the Service Mode Group (Pickup / Delivery) or the platform (Web, Mobile, Kiosk, Google Food Ordering)? This is the place where you can exclude items from being shown to the guests.
Modifier Controls
You arrive here by clicking on the Options in the Item document, as seen below.
We found out it was easier and effortless for our teams to maintain the options of each items in this section, rather than in the Modifier or Modifier Multiplier documents.
There are five modifier control scenarios that we have identified:
Boolean: The individual modifier can either be on or off, not available in a range
Ex: Add bacon to a burger
UI: Checkbox
Non-numeric range: The individual modifier is available in a range of quantities that the brand wants to display as a non-numeric value
Ex: None, light, regular, extra ketchup
UI: Edit pencil icon with slide-up drawer
Numeric range: The individual modifier is available in a range of quantities that the brand wants to display as a numeric value
Ex: 0, 1, 2, 3 creams in your coffee
+ -
Select one from options: The modifier has multiple options from which the guest can select one
Ex: Salad dressing
UI: Radio button
Select multiple from options: The modifier has multiple options from which the guest can select more than one
Ex: Sauces for chicken nuggets
+ -
buttons, description that displays amount guest must select
Existing fields:
For this, we won’t be using the following fields:
Component Style
We will be using:
: the maximum number of modifier selections available to the user for the given modifier, used only for dipping sauce-type modifiers (singleChoiceOnly
: will be a Read Only field that comes through from MDM, determines if the modifier is one that must be chosen from the group of its options
Find below the configuration options for each of the use cases identified:
Modifier Type | Rules / Acceptance Criteria |
Boolean/checkbox |
Non-numeric range
Numeric range |
Select one from options |
Select multiple from options |
Steps to Disable a Modifier Multiplier for a Certain Restaurant:
Remove the PLUs for the modifier multiplier that you don't want any more from the restaurant PLUs list.
Toggle the "Inject Default Selection" for the modifier in Sanity if the default value is not the one that should be available. (read below for explanation)
Turn the enable-hide-modifier-multipliers flag ON.
Note: If the modifier has a default modifier multiplier it will always be included in the list of options (regardless if it is available on the restaurant or not) unless the "Inject Default Selection" toggle is turned on in Sanity. Here is the logic in the code that always marks a MM as available if it is the default one: https://github.com/rbilabs/ctg-whitelabel-app/blob/master/workspaces/frontend/src/utils/availability/index.ts#L271-L275
Unused Information
You might see additional fields in this document that are not part of this guide. Please disregard them as they are not needed for your Menu setup.