Token: partners api secret (dynamodb)
Example: 6dfnPNxMuF1MA5zi5iDY
[{"key": " x-ui-region","
value": " ES","description":null,"type":"text","enabled":true}]
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "address": { "address1": "Calle de Bravo Murillo 100, 28850", "address2": "", "city": "Madrid", "country": "Spain", "postalCode": "28020", "stateProvince": "", "stateProvinceShort": "" }, "coordinates": { "latitude": 40.447520, "longitude": -3.703660 }, "menuItems": [{"plu":"940270","price": 2500}], "restaurantName": "CIT Shop Rapha", "storeId": "7788", "timezone": "Europe/Madrid" } |
Generate an integrationId and a partnerId
yarn install
aws-vault exec rbi.dev.admin
aws-vault exec rbi.dev.admin --no-session
yarn generate:jwt
Important: pay attation to the first configuration about awsRegion. Fill this before press enter
Code Block |
$ ts-node ./scripts/generate-jwt.ts prompt: awsRegion: (eu-central-1) (node:21731) NOTE: We are formalizing our plans to enter AWS SDK for JavaScript (v2) into maintenance mode in 2023. Please migrate your code to use AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3). For more information, check the migration guide at https://a.co/7PzMCcy (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created) eu-west-3 prompt: stage: (dev) prompt: brand: (PLK) prompt: 2-letter region code: ES prompt: Partner name (will be used as JWT sub claim): shoprapha prompt: Usage plan (basic or premium): (basic) prompt: API Key (leave blank to auto generate): prompt: Integration Id (leave blank to auto generate): prompt: Partner Id (leave blank to auto generate): Input received: ┌───────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ (index) │ Values │ ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ awsRegion │ 'eu-west-3' │ │ stage │ 'dev' │ │ brand │ 'PLK' │ │ region │ 'ES' │ │ sub │ 'shoprapha' │ │ usagePlan │ 'basic' │ │ apiKey │ '' │ │ integrationId │ 'dd58dca8-abca-4722-9893-e39dbde8f8f1' │ │ partnerId │ 'db5c3402-50e1-433a-876b-c10ddc439e8f' │ └───────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────┘ ===API Gateway: Found=== { id: 'x4rki34mgd', name: 'dev-plk-partners-api-apigw', description: 'REST API Gateway for Partners API', createdDate: 2022-05-10T12:47:01.000Z, binaryMediaTypes: [ '*/*' ], apiKeySource: 'AUTHORIZER', endpointConfiguration: { types: [ 'REGIONAL' ] }, tags: { app: 'partners-api', brand: 'plk', env: 'dev', 'rbi:brand': 'plk', 'rbi:service': 'partners-api', 'rbi:source': 'terraform', 'rbi:stage': 'dev', service: 'partners-api', stage: 'dev', version: 'ca8dbd0e' }, disableExecuteApiEndpoint: false } ===API Key: Created=== { id: 'jemf6c7rc8', value: 'Kw9EkBW6Yf6KpojDNqZq48FhRRhTe6yp7R1ygqD7', name: 'dev-plk-partners-api-shoprapha', description: 'shoprapha|db5c3402-50e1-433a-876b-c10ddc439e8f|dd58dca8-abca-4722-9893-e39dbde8f8f1', enabled: true, createdDate: 2023-09-13T15:25:51.000Z, lastUpdatedDate: 2023-09-13T15:25:51.000Z, stageKeys: [] } ===Usage Plan: Found=== { id: '70m16n', name: 'dev-plk-partners-api-basic-usage-plan', description: 'Basic usage plan', apiStages: [ { apiId: 'x4rki34mgd', stage: 'dev' } ], throttle: { burstLimit: 5, rateLimit: 500 }, quota: { limit: 20000, offset: 0, period: 'DAY' } } ===Usage Plan Key: Created=== { id: 'jemf6c7rc8', type: 'API_KEY', value: 'Kw9EkBW6Yf6KpojDNqZq48FhRRhTe6yp7R1ygqD7', name: 'dev-plk-partners-api-shoprapha' } ===API Gateway Deployment: Created=== { id: 'd7167p', createdDate: 2023-09-13T15:25:54.000Z } ===JWT Payload=== { iat: 1694618755, sub: 'shoprapha', brand: 'PLK', partnerId: 'db5c3402-50e1-433a-876b-c10ddc439e8f', integrationId: 'dd58dca8-abca-4722-9893-e39dbde8f8f1', apiKey: 'Kw9EkBW6Yf6KpojDNqZq48FhRRhTe6yp7R1ygqD7', region: 'ES' } ===JWT=== eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2OTQ2MTg3NTUsInN1YiI6InNob3ByYXBoYSIsImJyYW5kIjoiUExLIiwicGFydG5lcklkIjoiZGI1YzM0MDItNTBlMS00MzNhLTg3NmItYzEwZGRjNDM5ZThmIiwiaW50ZWdyYXRpb25JZCI6ImRkNThkY2E4LWFiY2EtNDcyMi05ODkzLWUzOWRiZGU4ZjhmMSIsImFwaUtleSI6Ikt3OUVrQlc2WWY2S3BvakROcVpxNDhGaFJSaFRlNnlwN1IxeWdxRDciLCJyZWdpb24iOiJFUyJ9.NczhVp1vBoWwDt7FM9DQMKVo18ZqSofk9efxooKq5Hw |
Token: partners api secret (dynamodb)
Example: 6dfnPNxMuF1MA5zi5iDY
[{"key": " x-ui-region","
value": " ES","description":null,"type":"text","enabled":true}]
Code Block |
{ "brand": "PLK", "country": "ES", "storeIds": ["7788"], "integrationId": "dd58dca8-abca-4722-9893-e39dbde8f8f1", "partnerId": "db5c3402-50e1-433a-876b-c10ddc439e8f" } |
Note that the storeIds were inputted above, but later, you’ll that this association really didn’t work. According to the swagger, it could work using an object like
Token: partners api secret (dynamodb)
Example: 6dfnPNxMuF1MA5zi5iDY
[{"key": " x-ui-region","
value": " ES","description":null,"type":"text","enabled":true}]
Body: N/A
Note: See the missing stores.
Token: partners api secret (dynamodb)
Example: 6dfnPNxMuF1MA5zi5iDY
[{"key": " x-ui-region","
value": " ES","description":null,"type":"text","enabled":true}]
Code Block |
{ "secret": "819759eedea160697759890eb5d9aeb9", "stores": [ { "country": "ES", "storeId": "7788" } ] } |