Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


Note: you need to change the new Date('2024-03-05T00:00:00') to the expiry date

6️⃣ Import Unique Codes

Context: we want to assign prizes to users who redeem certain products

Input required:

  • PLUs of the eligible product

  • List of unique codes


  •  Create cohort in Amplitude
  •  Activate daily sync of the cohort
  •  Create a canvas for the email send out scheduled daily after the start of the sync
  •  Include in the email template the code snipped of the promotion code

Follow documentation to create code snipped to integrate the unique code in the messages

If there are no remaining promotion codes available when sending test or live messages from a campaign that pulls in promo codes, the message will not send.