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Introduction to Pickers & Picker Aspects
A picker is a higher-level product concept that combines combos and/or items. Menu items can be purchased individually or as combos (small, medium, large, etc.), and pickers enable the guests pick the option they prefer, and picker aspects are the different criteria they can choose from.
Configuring Pickers
Info |
The Picker document is found under the Order-Level Content → Menu → Menu Picker within Sanity. |
On the example above, we have created a picker called “Impossible Whopper” which would be the higher level concept, then it would compile under it all the different options for an Impossible Whopper which can be:
the Impossible Whopper sandwich (“Just the Sandwich”)
the Impossible Whopper small meal (“Small”)
the Impossible Whopper medium meal (“Medium”)
the Impossible Whopper large meal (“Large”) .
Advantage of Pickers & Picker Aspects
Thanks to Picker & Picker Aspects, for example when guests navigate to the “Flame-grilled burgers” section, they see the “Impossible Whopper” picker instead of seeing the impossible whopper medium meal, the large meal and the menu item (sandwich only) separately.
When they click on the picker, they will choose between just the sandwich or the different meal sizes, as well as other aspects that can be configured.
Note |
Note: Picker and picker aspects always refer to another Sanity document. They do not have their own PLUs because they simply map the guest selection to a specific menu item (e.g. if a guest selects 6 piece nuggets and medium meal in the picker, the picker aspect will map to the 6 piece nugget medium meal combo item). You can find our more about PLUs here: Menu - Pricing & Availability Management. |
Another example is the Chicken Nuggets picker below, which contains the Nuggets Pieces and the Nuggets Meal Size picker aspects.
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Special-Case Examples
This is the name of the picker that will show in the platform, so must be edited according to your marketing guidelines.
Internal Name
The name that will be displayed in Sanity - it will help you quickly identify and organize your pickers. For existing markets this should have been automatically populated and should not be changed.
This is the image that is shown for the picker.
Tip |
Best Practices Tip Remember choosing a picture without a background will look better, remove noise, and turn the guests' focus to the actual purchase 🍔 🍟 |
Images by Channel
Insert a custom image of this product for each channel. If not inserted, the default image registered above will be used. File Types: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, SVG.
Image Description
This will be the text for the alt attribute on the image.
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The alt attribute is the HTML attribute used in HTML and XHTML documents to specify alternative text (alt text) that is to be rendered when the element to which it is applied cannot be rendered. It is also important for SEO purposes, as this description is what allows search engines (like Google) to connect this image to a search. By adding the Plant-based Whopper description, there is a chance users will find this image in Google Images, which can lead to traffic in the platform. |
This is the description for the picker once it is clicked on, highlighted in red below.
Legal Information - Sanity
Legal Information - Application
Picker Defaults
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Make sure to add a picker default so that there’s always an option already selected for users. You will see that a minimum of a one picker default is required in Sanity. |
When you arrive to the picker page, one option will be pre-selected. In the example above, “Just the Sandwich” is already selected without user having to click on anything.
This will be what picker aspect options are initially set as default when guest accesses the picker. In order to set them as default, you need to click on Add Item under Picker Defaults, choose the same picker aspects you have added on Picker Aspects and choose the option you want to set as default for each picker aspect.
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The default selection’s price will be shown in the Menu page (for a specific selected restaurant) and it needs to be the first option sorted in the list. Therefore, the picker option with * character always needs to be the first one. While defaulting the biggest combo size might help sell higher tickets, defaulting the smallest and cheapest picker option will make your Menu look more attractive in the Menu page. |
Picker Aspect Item Option Mappings
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This is used to restrict a modifier from being used if the specified aspect is selected. For example, if guests pick a bacon and cheese whopper we will not let them modify the bacon or the cheese. |
Until now, we have just created names for our Picker Aspects:
Just the Sandwich
However, how does the system know that the user is selecting the Impossible Whopper Sandwich and not any other sandwich? More importantly, how does the POS recognize our selection?
We must map each picker aspect to an actual Combo or Item. Picker aspects themselves do not have PLUs. Instead, Items and Combos tend to have. So for the order injections to work we must link Picker aspects to Items and / or Combos.
This process needs to be followed for all the Picker Aspects.
Channel Exclusions
Need to show different items depending on the Service Mode Group (Pickup / Delivery) or the platform (Web, Mobile, Kiosk, Google Food Ordering)? This is the place where you can exclude items from being shown to the guests.
Other Selections
All the other selections you can make throughout the Items file have been grouped in this part of the guide to simplify.
Show in Static Menu will allow displaying the picker in the Static Menu, before a Service Mode or store is selected. This is the equivalent to your National Menu, but it does not mean all of the pickers are available for purchase for Delivery or Pickup, for example.
Hide Calories will hide the calories of this item in the user flow.
Hide Nutrition Legal Disclaimer will hide the nutrition legal disclaimer.
Configuring Picker Aspects
Info |
The Picker Aspect document is found under the Order-Level Content → Menu → Picker Aspect within Sanity. Picker Aspects are linked to Picker Documents. |
In the current example, the Picker Aspects of the Impossible Whopper Picker are:
Just the Sandwich
Picker Aspect Variations
| Variations | UI Example |
1 | Image, description | |
2 | Image, no description | |
3 | No image, description | |
4 | No image, no description |
This is the name of the item that will show in the platform, so must be edited according to your marketing guidelines. In the above examples: Choose a Size and Select Your Size.
Internal Name
The name that will be displayed in Sanity - it will help you quickly identify and organize your picker aspects.
Picker Aspect Options
This is where you configure the different options you wish your Picker to show. In the below example, we add the picker aspects for Burger King’s Classic Fries, with the following options:
When you create each option, you will be asked for:
Identifier: A name consisted only of letters, which will be ingested by the system. Choose a name that clearly refers to this product. Do not worry, it won’t be shown to the guest.
Note |
Identifiers must be unique, i.e. you cannot duplicate identifiers among different products. Please ensure you type it with no spaces. |
Name: this is the name that guests will see. As such, should follow your marketing guidelines.
Hide Name in Item Preview: Toggling this option will hide the name in the platform, showing only the image to the user.
Show in Static Menu: Toggling this option will show this picker aspect option in the Static Menu, before a Service Mode or store is selected.
Description: A description of this picker aspect.
Image: This is the image that is shown for the picker aspect.
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Take into account that this picture will be shown in a small size to the guests, so avoid complex images. |
Image Description: this will be the text for the alt attribute on the image.