EU Timezone Marketsapse1
APAC Timezone Marketsuse1
LAC Timezone Marketseuw3
Iberia Timezone Market
. Please always test withstaging
(other brands are not supported in International markets yet).
In the “Compose” section in Sanity click on “Test”. Then choose “Select existing user” from the dropdown “Preview message as user”. After this input the email address of your test user in the guest app. Last but not least, click on “Send Test”. Now the offer should show on the top of your offer list.
Note |
If you are assigning a high number of offers with a campaign ensure the rate limit is set to a maximum 50K offers assigned per minute as not to strain the APIs. |
Info |
Note: The rest of the Braze campaign needs to be configured like any other Braze campaign (e.g. email, IAM, or push campaign). You will need to input specific information on the Schedule Delivery of the campaign, the Target users the campaign will apply to and when the campaign should be delivered to these target guests. For more information refer to: https://www.braze.com/docs/user_guide/engagement_tools/campaigns |