This capability enables admin users within the Digital Operations Portal to migrate (copy) pricing & availability from one base restaurant into another restaurant. It doesn’t involve migrating the menu content.
The Process
1. Select the Base Restaurant
After selecting one, users will be prompted with the bottom action bar. In this bar, they will have the option to Duplicate the restaurant data:
The option Migrate(Copy) Restaurant Data will be available only when the user has 1 restaurant selected.
2. Choose the Restaurant to Receive the Data & Confirm
Users need to choose a restaurant to receive the duplicated data from the restaurant list.
And lastly confirm the action:
Important Notes
When pricing & availability is copied from Restaurant_A into Restaurant_B, it will override all the pricing & availability data for Restaurant_B.
This solution would require a pre-requisite of the PLUs to be correctly set for the restaurant in Sanity, under Restaurant POS Data (e.g.;restaurants;restaurant;restaurant_237917;restaurantPosData_13311%2Ctype%3DrestaurantPosData%2CparentRefPath%3DrestaurantPosData)
If Restaurant_B includes pricing & availability for PLUs that don’t exist in Restaurant_A, those PLUs will keep their existing pricing & availability configurations.
If LateNight and/or some channels (e.g. UberEats) are enabled for Restaurant_A, but not for Restaurant_B, then the P&A will be configured for Restaurant_B for those chanels too. Toggles for Late Night and additional channels should need to be configured separately. How Late Night Pricing & Channel Extension should be configured is explained in detail in the following pages:
A separate user permission will be later required to be able to perform this activity, to be configured in the User Management capability of the portal.