BKDE requested changes to the current sign up process. The request came from their legal team. This document summarizes the changes and the related priority level (on a scale from 1 = high priority to 3 = low priority)
Review & Approval:
First Round
Internal only. The objective is to include any comments/concern and establish which are the deliverables we can accommodate prior to loyalty launch
- Anna
- Anton
- Luke
- Carlos
- Valentina
- Daniel
- Joana
Second round
- Mariann
Sign Up Page Content:
Priority: 1️⃣
Description: replace the text in the checkboxes to change to include loyalty in the acceptance of the terms and condition. Loyalty & T&C are mandatory, while marketing communication are optional
Tab name changes can be made in Lokalise, check impact on sign up button in site header (Update the naming from “MyBK” to “MyBurgerKing” )
Validate if the change has impact on the button on mobile view
T&C related changes can be made in Sanity document, Feature Account Sign Up Page. Updates below:
- Ich möchte E-Mails mit Aktionen zu Burger King Produkten und MyBurgerKing erhalten. Der Versand erfolgt entsprechend unserer Datenschutzerklärung.
- Ich akzeptiere die Nutzungsbedingungen und möchte Kronen sammeln, um personalisierte Angebote und Prämien zu erhalten.
Outcome: NOW
Sign Up Page Process:
Priority: 1️⃣
Germany has currently auto-sign up enabled. The user inputs the email address and the account is created, even though the users does not verify the email address by clicking on the email (see below)
From a legal standpoint we can’t create an account if we don’t have verification of the email (otherwise we could create account with fake emails/on someone else behalf)
We need to change from auto-sign up to sign up with OTP for all new users
- Content to be updated in Sanity email template (not available directly to FZs)
- Disable LaunchDarkly flag hereSwitch from auto-signup to sign up with OTP
The switch should be performed next week to ensure that the process works successfully prior to the launch of loyalty
- Change content of the email (to be provided by Mariann)
Outcome: NOW
Sign Up Confirmation Email:
Priority: 1️⃣
Once the guest has validate the account, he has to receive a confirmation email '
In the email we need to include a link to a PDF of the terms and conditions
- Set up email for all new users
- Create a copy of the email also for existing users
In sanity we can configure a static page with an option to open a new tab (see BKNZ)
- Leverage Sign Up Complete Successful as event to trigger the confirmation email
The sign up complete event might not trigger in 100% of the cases. Fisher, Luke will validate with Mihai if this can be used as a trigger in AWS
Outcome: NOW
Sign Up Page User Account Deletion:
Priority: 2️⃣
Description: If the user does not validate the account within the 24 hours from the account creation request, by inputting the opt, we need to delete all the user data
Tasks: requires development, not planned for Q2 so far
Outcome: LATER
Account Page:
Priority: 3️⃣
Description: update account page in the date of birth field
- Switch the positioning from Year / Month / Day to the common one Day / Month / Year
- Have a validation rule if the users inputs a birthdate that implies he under 16 years, we should have an alert in red and small below ““Du erfüllst nicht das Mindestalter.”
The date of birth validation is already in production today, see below:
Outcome: LATER (Requires minor development to switch MM and DD fields)