The Digital Operation Portal (DOP) is used to manage availability & pricing for certain brands/markets.
The button “Upload CSV” opens a modal that allows users to make bulk updates for several products and restaurants using a CSV file.
The following requirements should be fulfilled for the upload to be successful:
The name of file should follows the pattern: {brand}-{country}-{channel}-{identifier}.csv
eg. bk-de-delivery-1.csv
The file should be CSV (not XLSX)
All countries should be in ISO2 format (eg. PT, DE, ES etc.)
Including an availability column to indicate if items are to be set available (1) or unavailable (0). Any item not included in the file will be left in the same status that it was.
File format to be processed (+ the lateNight.price column as an optional column):
Note that if another file is uploaded separately, the previous files are dropped.