Content FAQs

Content FAQs



  • PLU stands for price look-up code and is a unique identifier of a product. These are usually 4 or 5 digit numbers and are used by the POS (Point of Sale) to read a product. The POS will hold information associated to each PLU, such as price, and that is why we need to digitally link each product to its PLU

  • Make sure that your picker/combo/menu item was added to the section and that the section is included on the menu

  • Clear cache (& use the incognito mode)

Sanity has synched with MDS and a new modifier has been added to the Item options list.

  • If this modifier is expected and intended, you should edit it according to the Modifier guide.

  • If this modifier is not expected and unintended, you should delete it both from MDS and Sanity.

(Add Null modifiers image provoked by MDS Sync)




The decision of whether or not a modifier multiplier is the default is made in MDM, not in SANITY. For example, if we have a cheese modifier for the Kids Cheeseburger, the default modifier multiplier will automatically be 1 (regular), since cheese is included on the original build. If you a modifier multiplier is incorrectly set as default, please contact your team member that manages MDS.

  1. You will not see a menu item’s modifiers if you have associated the menu item directly from the section. Please create a picker for that item and associate the picker in the item. Example: BKDE’s King Fusion - Have It Your Way (feel free to check the SANITY configuration for this product)

  2. Make sure you have associated the correct menu item to the picker/combo

  3. Make sure you have associated the correct picker to the section








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