[DEPRECATED] RBI Tech International - Roadmap Q1-2024

[DEPRECATED] RBI Tech International - Roadmap Q1-2024

Roadmap Q1 2024

This section outlines the different items that our teams plan to work on during Q1 2024.

Before we cover them in detail, we’d like to give more context on our approach to roadmapping.

Themes approach

We have recently started using themes as a key driver to organize our team’s quarterly work. A theme is a specific problem or opportunity that our teams will focus on during the quarter. We use themes because:

  1. Themes facilitate collaboration and communication among teams, because everyone is on the same page as to what to focus on.

  2. We can make meaningful progress in one topic​, rather than small progress in many.

  3. Themes help prioritize important topics alongside urgent ones​ on the day-to-day.

The theme of this Q1 2024 is operator experience. Operators are those who are responsible for configuring our platform (content agencies, franchisee’s digital teams, internal RBI teams, etc).

We chose operator experience because configuration is a very important part of our platform – if not managed properly, it impacts our guests and therefore our sales. For instance, incorrect menu config can lead failed LTOs or menu launches, misconfigured CRM tools can lead to failed campaigns, etc. In terms of scale, we do see that at

With the operator experience theme, we expect to achieve:

  1. Less configuration errors.

  2. More effective configuration of our tools.

  3. More self-service functionality​.

Note that this does not mean that we won’t do any work on guest facing improvements – rather, it’s a deliberate mindset to prioritize operator experience problems.

In addition, all improvement work is part of a continuous process. There will always be more improvements to work on in different areas, and we will always be re-visiting themes.

Development and Discovery

Each team has recorded a video explaining their Q1 2024 roadmap. You will see that most teams cover two main sections – development items and discovery items.

  • Development items: this is the work that markets plan to execute on during the quarter. Discovery has been performed and have a clear idea of what needs to be implemented.

  • Discovery items: our teams have identified a series of potential problems and opportunities. During the quarter, we will work on defining those items. The outcome of discovery is to have a well-defined problem, with clear success metrics and any insights to ideate solutions. Discovery items are not to be executed on in the current quarter but rather defined so that they can potentially be addressed in subsequent quarters.

Find below each team’s Q1 2024 roadmap.

Note: all videos are password-protected. Please refer to the communication email to find the password.

Team roadmaps

Transaction Value Stream

Menu & Restaurant

Our Menu & Restaurant team focuses on the user flows from selecting a store to adding items to cart.

In line with the quarter’s theme, the team’s main focus will be on operator experience. Some of the items that will be address are exposing Sanity content through our Partner API which will allow for Sanity to become the content source of truth, or the ability to validate PLUs for menu items directly in Sanity validations to check PLU configuration for menu items.

Additionally, Menu & Restaurant also plans to work on guest-facing initiatives – such as improving how users access our menu.

You can find more details in the video below.


Our Fulfillment team focuses on our cart and checkout flows. They also take care of payment service provider (PSP) and point-of-sale (POS) integrations.

In this quarter, payments will be the main focus on Fulfillment Team, who will be working on integrating with a new PSP and a major refactoring of our payments architecture. The new payment architecture will allow for easier integrations with future PSPs and standardize metrics, which will result in improved observability and monitoring.

Check the video below to learn further details about our initiatives.


Our Delivery team manages our Delivery Management Platform (DMP) as well as our overall delivery services.

In this quarter, the Delivery team will work on allowing first-party orders (coming from our own app) to be delivered by 3rd parties as last mile providers, make our delivery service agnostic to the used delivery management platform, and usability front-end improvements on our own DMP .

Engagement Value Stream

Loyalty & Offers

Our Loyalty & Offers team focuses on expansion loyalty expansion and key topics to simplify operador experience.

In this quarter, we will develop a new capability for users redeem coupons on Non Loyalty Stores using Loyalty 6 digit code. We will also work on Gamification improvements to enable back integration with Brame in order to optimising the prize assignment. In addition, Sanity folders are reviewing in order to reduce offers/rewards configuration complexity.

Check the video below to learn further details about our initiatives.

Users & CRM

This quarter, User & CRM will be focusing on migrating transactional emails to AWS and allowing the same email to sign in/up in different countries for the same brand.


This quarter, our Authentication team is focused on adding phone numbers as a way to register in our application. Collecting phone numbers opens future opportunities such as using SMS as a new engagement channel. You can find more details in the following video.

Core Front-End

Our Core Front-End team continues to work on performance and optimizing how our application run in Android devices. In addition, Search engine optimization (SEO) functionalities continues being focus on our team to improve our capability to boosting our brand’s visibility.

Check the video below to learn further details on our initiatives.

Core Back-End/DevOps

Our Core Backend/DevOps takes care of performance and observability of our platform.

In this quarter, the Core BE/DevOps team will work on technical topics such as improving caching and Sanity performance, or implementing overall system health metrics in coordination with all other teams.

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