BK Germany - Onboarding
Market Overview
One of the biggest BK market in EMEA with over 800 restaurant
RBI Approved CRM Stack (Braze, Amplitude, Branch, mParticle + RBI App)
Limited coverage of home delivery, no mobile ordering
User without an account can still use certain coupons (these users are defined as ānon MyBKā)
Detailed market mapping available here: RBI CRM Services Overview
CRM Status
We have ~15% of the database that has opted in to email and/or push notifications
We have 3.5M active users per month, among which 950K are opted in
Opted in sales represent ~4.6% of total sales
Heavy use of push notifications (1 push per day). Push notifications are the channel with the highest ROI
Emails ~1/week, richer channel were we normally have 1 main message (e.g. product launch) + a secondary message in the banner
In terms of topics:
Marketing calendar (coupons, products)
Events that are relevant for our guests/brands (Vegan day, Earth Day)
BK tone of voice (playful, engaging)!
We have both planned push notification but we also want to leverage spontaneous push notifications for contextual events (e.g. Euro Cap)
Our main priorities are:
Increase subscription rate
Increase relevance of the content via gamification
CRM supports the marketing calendar (product launches, new coupons etc)
We also have activations that are CRM specific, for example raffles that are dedicated to opt in users only. You can check the set up of these raffle here: https://rbictg.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=~60b099f10dc2a500688c7e71&title=Raffle%20set%20up
Loyalty is an always on message we can leverage across communications. As part of the loyalty platform, we will also have gamification which could become an always on event.
Germany is one of the markets that have the full menu in veggie variant. Overall, even outside BK, consumer profile: 10% of German consumers are plant-based eaters (including vegetarians and vegans), making Germany the country with the highest share of plant-based eaters among the European countries analysed. 30% of Germans identify as flexitarian. Source: https://smartproteinproject.eu/plant-based-food-in-germany/
We should leverage segmented communication for veggie/non veggie buyers across all email communications based on purchase behavior