Loyalty - Rulesets

Loyalty - Rulesets



This document will go through the available rules that can be configured for Offers, Rewards and Promotions. There are many types of rulesets that can be configured (for example, making a specific offer or reward only available on Mondays). These rules help markets personalize the incentive experience for their guests. In this document, references to incentive or benefit mean an Offer, Reward or Promotion.

Shared Rules

These rule types can be utilized across offers, promotions, and rewards.


  • Incentive will not be visible in the app or apply if current date is outside of the dates specified

    • When entering the endDate, Sanity will actually store the date in UTC time and then pass it to the Loyalty Engine as such. As a result, when entering the endDate, use the date that you want the offer to stop showing up on.

      • E.g. If you want an offer to stop showing up as of March 31st then you would configure an endDate of March 30th in the offer sanity document

    • Note: We currently do not support the times that are entered under this ruleset. If you would like to limit the offer to specific times, use Between Times


Set the number of times the user may redeem the incentive

  • Can be bound by a time period, but doesn’t have to be

    • ie max 1x per day or max 1x total

    • Note when there is no defined maximum, the loyalty backend will default to a limit of 1


Incentive will not be visible in the app or apply if current calendar day is outside of the weekdays specified (M/T/W/Th/F/Sa/Su)

  • Enable the days that the offer should be active

    • Start and end of days are defined by user’s local time

    • Multiple selections will act like an 'or' - ie: must be a Wednesday or a Sunday


The reward will only be eligible to be redeemed on the user’s first loyalty transaction

Loyalty Between Times

  • Incentive will not be visible in the app or apply if a user’s local time is outside of the time band defined:

    • Evaluation is inclusive of the times listed

    • Note: We currently do not support the dates that are entered under this ruleset. If you would like to limit the offer to specific dates, use Between Dates

    • To get your desired local time for the incentive, treat that desired time as if it is UTC. Convert that time for the offer from UTC to your local time and enter your local time

      • Example: I am in EST (UTC - 5 hours during non-daylight savings time). I want an offer to be valid from 4PM - 10PM in users' local time. I will enter 11:00 to 17:00. Sanity will convert these to UTC by adding 5 hours so the time applied to users will be 4PM - 10PM in their local time


Cart Requirement

Checks all items added to cart, and if they match the cart requirement, incentive is valid

  • All items within the rule are treated like an ‘OR’ ie: must purchase a coke or a sprite

    • Can only list items and/or combos here

User Created

User must have been created in the loyalty system within this defined time band to be eligible for the incentive

  • ie if user was created between March 1st and March 30th, they are eligible for this special sign up reward

Restaurant Group Requirement

User must order at a specified restaurant in order to redeem the benefit

  • Restaurant groups also created in Sanity, can be uploaded via CSV process

    • This rule can also be set up as INCLUSIVE or EXCLUSIVE

      • Inclusive = Only stores within the specified restaurant groups are eligible for the offer

      • Exclusive = Only stores within the specified restaurant group are NOT eligible for the offer

Service Mode Requirement

The incentive will be available for all the service modes enabled. The incentive will still be visible but not redeemable when in other service modes

  • For Pickup: Eat In, Takeout, Drive Thru, Curbside

    • NOTE: With COVID, the team implemented feature that defaults all ‘pickup’ orders to Drive-Thru. Because of this, if you are setting an incentive to have a servicemode ruleset, you should select ALL pickup servicemodes, or NO pickup servicemodes

Subtotal Minimum Spend Requirement

If user’s purchase subtotal is over this threshold, they are eligible for the benefit. Subtotal does NOT include delivery fee, tax or any other type of service fee.

  • Specified in cents, not euros

    • ie: set 500 in Sanity == € 5.00 requirement

Total Minimum Spend Requirement

If user’s purchase total is over this threshold, they are eligible for the benefit. Total DOES include delivery fee, tax or any other type of service fee.

  • Specified in cents, not euros

    • ie: set 500 in Sanity == € 5.00 requirement

Payment Method

User must pay with a given card type in order to redeem the benefit

  • Note - evaluation happens at payment, so you should use this rule sparingly to avoid user frustration so close to the sale

Cool Down Period

If user has redeemed this particular incentive in the last n seconds, they are not eligible to redeem again

Transaction Count

The incentive is available to the user only if their transaction count is…

  • ON - on this transaction only

    • BETWEEN - between your x-y transactions

    • EVERY - on every multiple transaction

    • NOTE: Counts total loyalty transactions, not total transactions

Offers only Rules

Offer Limit

This is set in Earning Calculations. Offer can exist alongside a second, third, fourth (number is set in the configuration) offer(s) in the cart.

  • Note: The default is only one offer per cart

Authentication Required

When Authentication Required rule = false a signed out user can redeem the offer in-store. This does not apply for mobile order, given our app does not allow guests to do a mobile purchase. When Authentication Required rule = true only a signed in user is able to redeem the offer in-store.

  • Note: The default is all users need to Sign Up in order to be able to redeem offers in-store (in the case the rule is not added).

  • Note: This rule is not available for Reward given all users need to be signed in to redeem Rewards.

User Attribute

This ruleset allows operators to show an offer to an user, only if that user has user attributes that fulfill the rules set in Sanity. The list of user attributes that can be configured in this ruleset are:

Attribute in Sanity


Attribute in Sanity


Battery level (batteryLevel)

  • can be <, > to a specific number from 1 - 100 (this is the battery level)

Was Date of Birth deleted? (dobDeleted?)

  • can be set to true or false

  • shows offer based on if date of birth of user was deleted

Was Phone number verified?(phoneVerified)

  • can be set to true or false

  • shows offer based on if user verified their phone number

Opted In to Promotional Emails? (promotionalEmails)

  • can be set to true or false

  • shows offer based on if user has opted in or not to promotional email

Zip Code (zipcode)

  • can be = or !=

  • shows offer based on the user’s saved zip code (e.g. 8002)

Delivery Address saved? (deliveryAddresses)

  • can be set to true or false

  • shows offer based on if guest has saved a delivery address in the app

Favorite Stores (favoriteStores)

  • can be = or !=

  • shows offer based on the user’s favorited store number(s)(e.g. 13651)

Favorite Offers (favoriteOffers)

  • can be = or !=

  • shows offer based on the user’s favorited offer sanity ID(s)(e.g. 6ad6850e-0dba-4314-a47d-759d93cca6f2)

Rewards only Rules

Loyalty Points

Number of points to spend on the reward

  • This is REQUIRED on all rewards

Reward Price

This refers to the price of the Reward that will show in the app in cents. This rule should be used when Rewards that are redeemable for both loyalty points and paid money (e.g. € 3 euros) are configured.

  • Specified in cents, not euros

    • ie: set 500 in Sanity == € 5.00 requirement

Promos only Rules

Birthday Multiplier

Logic to check user’s birthday on every transaction.

  • If duration is set to month, month of current day must match birthday month

    • If duration is set to week, birthday must fall in the current calendar week (Sunday-Saturday)

    • If duration is set to day, birthday must be today

Incentive Requirement

In order to award bonus points to guests that purchase a specific offer or reward, use the incentive required ruleset.



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