/ Translations_EN Translations_EN
msgRBI_LoyaltyVersion=Loyalty Version is
msgLoyaltyMemberPromt=Scan or Type Loyalty Code
msgEnterLoyalty=Enter Loyalty Code
msgOffline=Loyalty Sevices are currently offline
msgErrorReopenClosedCheck=Update closed checks with Loyalty is not allowed
msgLookupError=Loyalty Services returned an error
msgNoApiConnection=Loyalty Services are not responding
lblMemberQuestion=Add Loyalty Code?
msgMemberExists=Check already have a Loyalty Member associated
msgProductNotFound=Product(s) was {0} not found
msgDiscountInvalid=Discount {0} could be applied. {1}
lblPresentation=Loyalty Presentation
lblMembershipConfirm=Membership Confirmation
lblVoidMemberQuestion=Do you want to remove the Loyalty Membership?
lblVoidMembershipConfirm=Membership Remove Confirmation
msgVoidError=Loyalty Void request returns an error
msgInvalidCode=Entered code could not be validated
msgEmptyPresentation=The Loyalty {0} was confirmed and added to check.
msgEmptyPresentationWithOffers=The Loyalty {0} contains {1} offers and will be added to check.
msgEmptyPresentationWithRewards=The Loyalty {0} contains {1} rewards and will be added to check.
msgEmptyPresentationWithOffersAndRewards=The Loyalty {0} contains {1} offers, {2} rewards and will be added to check.
msg_ErrorNoClosedOffersAreAllowed=Incentive not allowed for checks without Loyalty Member.
msg_ErrorOnlyOneOffer=Only one Offer allowed per check.
msg_ErrorOnlyOneReward=Only one Reward allowed per check.
msg_ErrorExistingOffers=Only one Offer allowed per check. Please remove the exiting one and try again.
msg_ReplaceExistingOffer=Only one Offer allowed per check. Replace existing Offer?
msg_ReplaceExistingReward=Only one Reward allowed per check. Replace existing Reward?
msg_RestrictAccrual=Points accrual and redemption are not available for this transaction.
msg_ProgressBarPromoTitle=Promo Request
msg_ProgressBarPromoLoad=Calling Loyalty Services
msg_ProgressBarLoyaltyTitle=Loyalty request
msg_ProgressBarLoyaltyLoad=Calling Loyalty Services
msg_ProgressBarValidateTitle=Validate request
msg_ProgressBarValidateLoad=Calling Loyalty Services
msg_ProgressBarTransactionTitle=Transaction request
msg_ProgressBarTransactionLoad=Calling Loyalty Services
msgInvalidCheck=The check is invalid
msgTrainingModeEnabled=Loyalty not available. The POS is operating in Training Mode
msgCheckNotActive=Loaylty code can only be applied to an open check
msgTransReturnEnabled=Loyalty not permitted during Transaction Return
msgMiHold=There is an incomplete menu item or combo meal
msg_ErrorNoConfig=Loyalty Services configuration is invalid
msg_ErrorOnlyOneOfferIsAllowed=Only one Offer allowed per check
msg_HeaderOffers=Choose an offer item from the list below
msg_HeaderRewards=Choose a reward item from the list below
invalid-service-mode=Incentive cannot be applied for the current Service mode
invalid-store-id=Incentive cannot be applied for the current Store
below-minimum-spend=Purchase did not meet minimum spend configuration
below-minimum-total-spend=Purchase did not meet minimum spend configuration
exceeds-limit-per-order=Limit per order exceeded
exceeds-max-redemption=Max redemptions limit reached
insufficient-point-balance=User does not have sufficient funds to redeem reward
invalid-day-of-the-week=Incentive cannot be applied for the current weekday
invalid-end-date=Incentive cannot be applied after the end date
invalid-start-date=Incentive cannot be applied before the start date
invalid-enrollment-start-date=Incentive cannot be applied, user enrollment period does not meet requirements (start date)
invalid-enrollment-end-date=Incentive cannot be applied, user enrollment period does not meet requirements (end date)
invalid-payment-method=Incentive cannot be applied for selected payment method
invalid-scope=Incentive of this type can not be used
missing-user=Loyalty Member must be logged in to see this incentive
not-first-order=Loyalty Member has existing claimed transactions
not-user-birthday=Loyalty Member Birthday does not meet requirements
quest-past-activation-date=Incentive cannot be applied, activation date is past due
unsatisfied-cart-requirements=Incentive cannot be applied, current check does not meet cart requirements
unsatisfied-cart-requirements-exclusion=Incentive cannot be applied, current check does not meet cart requirements (exclusion)
within-cool-down-period=Incentive cannot be applied, cool down period not reached
msgVoidMemberError=Loyalty Member cannot be voided. Please Cancel the Transaction.
msgVoidMemberErrorReopen=Loyalty Member cannot be voided. Please Void the Closed Check.
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