Process - Dedicated team
The generic idea is to consider a Dedicated team at the same level of a Value Stream (ex: fullfilment, engagement, etc.) following the same processes and timings as the other squads.
For New feature Requests,
All new feature requests need to be created through the IREQ process (here the link to the form to open the request).
Weekly meetings will be scheduled to discuss each feature and decide to add it to the backlog of the Value Stream or the Dedicated team. The Product Manager will join the existing meetings with Transactions, Core FE & Engagement to decide ownership.
The rule is to understand the value of the request and if it’s perceived as an high impact for all the markets, the respective Value Stream will take care of it and add to the backlog;
In the case of the impact being reduced to the market where the Dedicated team is allowed, the request will be managed by the Dedicated Team itself
A dashboard with all the existing requests will be created (ex: Iberia dashboard
For bugs identified (not in QA): [DEPRECATED] Reporting Bugs - Service Desk
As per the new feature requests, all bugs need to be created through the IREQ process (same link here)
All bugs will be listed in the IREQ Dashboard: - it’s possible to filter by country to show just the ones related to the specific Dedicated team
Let’s remember more tickets can be opened by other employees of the market where the Dedicated team is allocated and not all of them are in their hands
Triage and prioritization will be managed by the Support team.
The scope for the dedicated team are the bugs related to the features they have developed. (There should be a Confluence page like the Iberia one Feature Deployments status - Whitelabel where all the features developed by the Dedicated team are listed)
Fire and high priority bugs will be tackle together in the shortest time possible
The communication should happen in the opened ticket through the comment section. In this case, the Dedicated team can suggest to handle of the bugs or the Support team can ask for support to the Dedicated team if needed.
It’s recommended to create a specific channel in Slack to discuss bugs between Support team and Dedicated team
For bugs identified by QA during feature development or release testing,
they are opened directly in the Dedicated team's Jira project