[Whitelabel] Handle with quantity limit on the extras modal
Repos that we’ll change
Whitelabel: https://github.com/rbilabs/intl-whitelabel-app
Task summary
Task 1: Adjust the extras modal quantity limit for the free item
Task 1: Show paid item if select all the free items
Tasks breakdown
Task 1: Adjust the extras modal quantity limit for the free item
The quantity limit should respect the following rule:
sum the free quantity limits from Sanity (looking into each menu item because we can have all the items at the same time depending on the case)
Respect the maximum limit that is configured on Sanity (the default is 9). Well always need to respect this limit:
Even if the sum is equal 10 and the limit is 9 the maximum will be 9
If the maximum was reached the “+” button will be disabled
As the modal is already using the data from Sanity we’ll just need to develop this new logic for the limit
Create a new method to handle this
If we choose the creation of a new hook/context (task 7) perhaps we can catch this info from there and just use it on the modal when our flag is ON
Respect all points from the Rules section
Implement new unit tests
Task 2: Show paid item if select all the free items
The behavior will be something like this:
OBS: In this example let’s imagine that the free maximum will be 4 items and when I reached this value the “+” button will be disabled (task 1) and we’ll show the paid item above.
Show the paid item only if the maximum free quantity is reached
Adjust the list of items to show always the free items first and then the paid item (if shown)
Look if the section has the free toggle ON
Create a new method that will sort/rearrange the order of the items (mounting a new array or something like that)
Respect all points from the Rules section
Implement new unit tests