[Archived] Cross-Brand Opt-In

[Archived] Cross-Brand Opt-In

Page under review


RBIberia operates multiple brands: PLK ES, BK PT, BK ES and TH ES; where all except TH ES are expected to use the RBI Platform by early 2024.

They currently use a cross-brand opt-in marketing strategy per country. This consists of asking new guests to accept marketing communications across all RBIberia brands in that country, instead of individual brands. For example, guests who sign up with PLK ES and opt-in for marketing communications will receive emails from BK ES and TH ES. Conversely, if a guest decides to opt-out of marketing communications, that should happen for the specific brand only. Continuing with the example above, if the same guest opts out of marketing communications from PLK ES, they should still be opted in for BK ES and TH ES.

Because this strategy is per country, BK PT is not affected by these requirements at this stage. This will change if/when RBIberia launch other brands in Portugal.

Business Goal

RBIberia is in the process of switching from Salesforce Marketing Cloud to Braze to manage marketing communications. They would like to continue using the cross-brand opt-in strategy documented above after switching to Braze.


This diagram shows an example scenario of guests signing up with PLK ES. It is intended to clarify scope of requirements across brands and systems. It is not meant to indicate a solution of how the opt-in settings will be shared across brands and systems (there will be a separate document for that).

Original diagram here: https://lucid.app/lucidchart/ff57d882-2b9e-40ac-bac6-89c9961d4e2c/edit?viewport_loc=510%2C547%2C1988%2C1037%2C0_0&invitationId=inv_2531e95d-8922-4aa7-9972-ffacb2607cf5


Note: all scenarios apply equally to the web, iOS and Android versions of the RBI app.

1. Sign up to a brand that uses the RBI app

1.1. With opt-in consent


Expected results


Expected results

Guest signs up with the PLK ES app and accepts marketing communications from the sign in page

  • Guest account created in the RBI platform, mParticle and Braze for PLK ES

  • Account created in mParticle and Braze for BK ES

  • Email and Push subscription status set to “Opted In” on mParticle, Braze and the RBI platform for PLK ES and BK ES

  • User account created in Braze for TH ES with subscription status set to “Opted In”

1.2. Without opt-in consent


Expected results


Expected results

Guest signs up with the PLK ES app and does not accept marketing communications from the sign in page

  • Guest account created in the RBI platform, mParticle and Braze for PLK ES only

  • Email and Push subscription status set to “Unsubscribed” on PLK ES only

2. Sign up to Tim Hortons

Not a scenario since Tim Hortons does not have an app currently.

3. Unsubscribe

3.1. From an email

Need to look into how to disable push from the email link.


Expected results


Expected results

Guest receives a marketing email from PLK ES and clicks the unsubscribe link

  • Email and push subscription status set to “Unsubscribed” on Braze for PLK ES and “Opted In” for all other brands

  • Communication preferences page on the RBI app is unchecked

3.2. From the RBI app


Expected results


Expected results

Guest opens the communication preferences page on the PLK ES app and unchecks the “Email marketing communications & Push“ setting:

  • Email and Push subscription status set to “Unsubscribed” on Braze for PLK ES and “Opted In” for all other brands

  • Communication preferences page on the RBI app is unchecked

3.3. From the Admin Tool


Expected results


Expected results

Support staff unsubscribes a guest from email and push communications on the PLK ES Admin Tool

  • Email and Push subscription status set to “Unsubscribed” on the RBI Platform, mParticle and Braze for PLK ES and “Opted In” for all other brands

  • Communication preferences page on the RBI app is unchecked

Support staff unsubscribes a guest from email or push notifications separately on the PLK ES Admin Tool

Not possible, since the PLK ES app does now show opt in status separately for email and push.

3.4. From Salesforce Service Cloud

Item under discussion. As it stands, this is outside of RBI scope.


Expected results


Expected results

Support staff unsubscribes a guest from email and push communications on Salesforce Service Cloud

Email and Push subscription status set to “Unsubscribed” on Braze for TH ES only and “Opted In” for all other brands

4. Subscribe

All of the scenarios below assume that the guest was previously unsubscribed from all apps.

4.1. From the RBI app

In this scenario guests subscribe only for the specific brand they are using now. We do not subscribe them to other brands. This is because here we do not have the disclaimer that informs guests that they would be signing up to comms from RBIberia.


Expected results


Expected results

Guest opens the communication preferences page on the PLK ES app and checks the “Email marketing communications & Push“ setting:

  • Email and Push subscription status set to “Opted In” on the RBI Platform, mParticle and Braze for PLK ES

  • Communication preferences page on the RBI app is checked

  • If accounts exist in mParticle and Brazer for any other brands, they remain unchanged

4.2. From the Admin Tool


Expected results


Expected results

Support staff subscribes a guest to receive email and push communications on the PLK ES Admin Tool

  • Email and Push subscription status set to “Opted In” on the RBI Platform, mParticle and Braze for PLK ES

  • Communication preferences page on the RBI app is unchecked

  • If accounts exist in mParticle and Brazer for any other brands, they remain unchanged

Support staff subscribes a guest to receive email communications only on the PLK ES Admin Tool

Not possible, since the PLK ES app does now show opt in status separately for email and push.

4.3. From Salesforce Service Cloud

Item under discussion. As it stands, this is outside of RBI scope.


Expected results


Expected results

Support staff subscribes a guest from email and push communications on Salesforce Service Cloud

  • Email and Push subscription status set to “Opted In” on Braze for TH ES and “Unsubscribed” for all other brands

5. Terms and Conditions

5.1. Opt-in during acceptance


Expected results


Expected results

Guest signs up with the PLK ES app and accepts marketing communications from the sign in page

Email and Push subscription status in Braze set to “Opted In” for PLK ES, BK ES and TH ES

Guest receives a marketing email from BK ES and clicks the unsubscribe link

Email and push subscription status in Braze set to “Opted In” for PLK ES and TH ES, but “Unsubscribed” for BK ES

Guest receives a marketing email from TH ES and clicks the unsubscribe link

Email and push subscription status in Braze set to “Opted In” for PLK ES and “Unsubscribed” for BK ES and TH ES

During a second login to the PLK ES app, guest is presented with updated T&C for acceptance. Guest accepts marketing communications

Email and Push subscription status in Braze set to “Opted In” for PLK ES, BK ES and TH ES

5.2. Opt-out during acceptance

This scenario is not possible, since the Agreements feature does not offer an option to opt-out if the guest has previously opted in.


Expected results


Expected results

Guest signs up with the PLK ES app and accepts marketing communications from the sign in page

Email and Push subscription status in Braze set to “Opted In” for PLK ES, BK ES and TH ES

During a second login to the PLK ES app, guest is presented with updated T&C for acceptance. Guest does not accept marketing communications

Email and Push subscription status in Braze set to “Unsubscribed” for PLK ES, BK ES and TH ES

6. Edge cases

6.1. Opt-out during sign-up in another brand


Expected results


Expected results

Guest signs up with the PLK ES app and accepts marketing communications from the sign in page

Email and Push subscription status in Braze set to “Opted In” for PLK ES, BK ES and TH ES

The same guest signs up with the BK ES app and does not accept marketing communications from the sign in page

Email and Push subscription status in Braze set to “Unsubscribed” for PLK ES, BK ES and TH ES

6.2. Opt-in during sign-up in another brand


Expected results


Expected results

Guest signs up with the PLK ES app and does not accept marketing communications from the sign in page

Email and Push subscription status in Braze set to “Unsubscribed” for PLK ES, BK ES and TH ES

The same guest signs up with the BK ES app and accepts marketing communications from the sign in page

Email and Push subscription status in Braze set to “Opted In” for PLK ES, BK ES and TH ES

6.3. Re-subscribe


Expected results


Expected results

Guest signs up with the PLK ES app and accepts marketing communications from the sign in page

Email and Push subscription status in Braze set to “Opted In” for PLK ES, BK ES and TH ES

Guest receives a marketing email from BK ES and clicks the unsubscribe link

Email and push subscription status in Braze set to “Opted In” for PLK ES and TH ES, but “Unsubscribed” for BK ES

The same guest signs up with the BK ES app and accepts marketing communications from the sign in page

Email and Push subscription status in Braze set to “Opted In” for PLK ES, BK ES and TH ES

Requirements summary

  • When a guest signs up for any RBIberia brand in Spain and opts in to marketing communications, the opt-in status should be applied to all RBIBeria brands: PLK ES, BK ES and TH ES

  • When a guest opts out of marketing communications for a given brand, that guest should remain opted in for other brands

  • Opted in status must be reflected in, and possible to change from, the RBI Admin Tool

  • Opted in status must be reflected in, and possible to change from, Salesforce Service Cloud for Tim Hortons only. It is not required for other brands, since these will use the RBI Admin Tool instead

  • Opted in status must be captured separately for email and push communications, regardless of how many checkboxes guests use to opt in (this is already the case).

  • Changes of opt-in status to Opted-In or Unsubscribed need to be captured, along with an associated time stamp indicating when the change happened. This is already the case, since the RBI Platform register an “User Attribute Changed” every time that the opt-in status changes, including the time stamp. This data is kept in mParticle for two years.


  • The requirements above will lead to an increase of costs with Braze, since each guest will be added to different brands (while they may not be registered with, and making purchases from, other brands)

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