Loyalty API Migration - Overall Plan
Phase 0 - Test RBI earning
Sync loyalty users between both platforms
Start recording earn transactions from SessionM
Earn transactions from SessionM start coming in
RBIberia to decide if we migrate all users or clean-up is needed
Step 1 - Homeria One dump to upload all users as per template, historical data on loyalty not needed
Step 2 - RBI Upload all users and send back a file with mapping of email / rbiuserid / loyaltyid
Step 3 - Homeria to store email / rbiuserid / loyaltyid for reporting purposes
Step 4 - Homeria to send to RBIberia mapping of email / rbiuserid / loyaltyid / homeriaid for reporting purposes
Step 5 - RBI turn on User API endpoint for new user sign ups in Homeria
Step 6 - Homeria sends daily reports to RBIberia to store mail / rbiuserid / loyaltyid / homeriaid
timestamps of when users are created?
Output after Phase 0
Users exist in both platforms
Balances are disconnected since:
SessionM has earn and burn
RBI only has earn
Phase 1 - Test RBI OTP identification
RBI OTP will show on Airtouch’s app
SessionM continues to be source of truth
Users can identify to earn w/RBI
Users can check loyalty balance from SessionM
Users will not see historical loyalty data
No data dump
Phase 2 - Test RBI Loyalty Program
RBI Loyalty for both earn and burn
RBI to be source of truth
Users can check loyalty balance
Users can check historical data for last 2y
RBIberia to send list of requisites of data to migrate
Step 1 - SessionM to upload file with all loyalty data with:
Current Loyalty Balance
Expiration Date of points
Step 2 - Reset all users to 0
Step 3 - RBI to run script