Oracle Governance Topics

Oracle Governance Topics

Hi All,

The agenda topics for the Oracle Governance, are as per below.

Governance, Contract and Service Architecture Oversight


  1. DMTE Process Management – (Theodora)

  1. KJR Overview – (Dani)

  2. EMEA questions (Discovery sessions, product capability current and future, timing for rollout etc.)


  1. Roles & Responsibilities:

a.      Ensure there is a clear governance structure in place between RBI and Oracle, outlining decision-making authority, project oversight, and accountability.

b.     Review the roles and responsibilities of both parties for ongoing management, system upgrades, and issue escalation.

 Governance Meetings:

a.      Discuss the frequency and effectiveness of governance meetings or performance reviews (e.g., monthly, quarterly). QBR's scheduled and contracted etc

b.     Are the right stakeholders from both RBI and Oracle involved in these meetings?

c.      Assess the quality of the communication and reporting that comes out of these governance reviews.

 SLA’s System Performance, Uptime, & Reliability

a.      Evaluate Oracle’s adherence to SLAs for CEMLI’s ,Rollouts and Updates. Especially uptime guarantees for critical systems like MICROS POS and EMC

b.     Are there any recurring issues with system outages, slow performance, or integration problems?

c.      Review how Oracle handles performance during peak seasons (e.g., large events, high occupancy periods).

 Pricing Structure & Licensing

a.      Review Oracle’s cloud subscription fees, licensing costs, and scalability options (for adding FZ or functionalities).

b.     Are there any unexpected fees related to software updates, training, or custom integrations that RBI need to be aware of?

c.      Discuss potential cost-saving measures, such as bundled services or discounts for expanded use across multiple FZ’s

 Upgrade, Innovation & Product Roadmap

a.      Discuss Oracle’s upgrade paths, especially moving from legacy systems (e.g., on-premises) to cloud-based solutions. Ensure that Oracle’s cloud architecture supports scalability and flexibility for future growth.

b.     Explore Oracle’s product roadmap to understand new features or innovations, like AI-driven guest personalization, that might benefit us. Discuss Oracle’s offerings around AImachine learning, or IoT for improving guest experience (e.g., predictive analytics)

c.      Evaluate Oracle’s capabilities for enhancing digital guest interactions (mobile check-ins, AI-driven concierge services, or personalized marketing).

d.     Explore the use of Oracle’s AI and analytics tools for forecasting, upselling opportunities, and optimizing operational efficiency.

e.      Discuss Oracle’s role in supporting the long-term technology strategy and digital transformation goals of the business. KJR and Tech Policy.

 Reporting & Dashboards:

a.      Review the availability of regular reports or dashboards from Oracle on key performance indicators (KPIs), system health, and service delivery metrics.

b.     Can Oracle provide dashboard reporting or oversight for any markets that are transitional to Oracle POS on a regular basis?

 Store Support:

a.      Revamping the support team processes to make it as easy as possible for store crew calling in for support.  We need to assume store crew has zero technical experience

b.     Can support teams have store details ahead of time?  i.e. create a store repository?

c.      Is Bomgar really the best support solution?  i.e. if used to troubleshoot KDS, when support person logs off, the Bomgar support windows remain open “in front” of KDS screens

 10.  Escalation Protocols:

a.      Evaluate the effectiveness of Oracle’s customer support, especially the speed of response for critical issues like system downtime or major errors.

b.     Are there appropriate escalation paths for resolving complex technical problems? Discuss Oracle’s escalation procedures for unresolved or complex issues

c.      Review support coverage, especially during peak operational hours or special events,.

d.     Ensure that both parties understand the governance framework around escalating critical issues to senior leadership.

 11.  Training, Onboarding & User Adoption

a.      Discuss the quality and availability of Oracle’s training resources for both technical staff and end-users (e.g., POS Champions, restaurant teams).

b.     Are there ongoing training programs or certifications for staying up to date with new features and updates?

c.      Evaluate user adoption and any areas where staff might need additional training to fully leverage Oracle’s capabilities.

 12.  Change Management:

a.      Review Oracle’s processes for managing changes in systems or services, including updates, upgrades, or new features.

b.     Evaluate the documentation and communication provided by Oracle regarding changes and how they impact governance processes.

 13.  Risk & Issue Management:

a.      Ensure there is a defined process for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks, including those related to technology failures, compliance, or data breaches.

b.     Review how Oracle collaborates with RBI to manage risks and track issue resolution through governance channels.

c.      Assess Oracle’s ability to proactively address potential risks before they become critical problems.

 14.  Oracle Partner Management:

a.      Establish a process for RBI to have visibility of what partners are doing and how they are being trained on RBI strategy

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