[DEPRECATED] [Rider App] Home screen - How to
The driver must see the home screen as soon as he logs into the application
The home screen header contains:
The driver's initials at left side top aligned - redirecting to the driver’s profile page
The brand icon at right side top aligned
The motorbike icon and motorbike number top centered
3. The home screen body when there's No Active Orders should be as followed:
The image and the text "You have no active orders now"
Map embedded with the restaurant logo/location centered as screen background
Button to "Navigate back to restaurant"
4.When clicked at the "Navigate back to restaurant" button, a modal should appear redirecting the driver to an gps app of his preference, previous installed on his phone.
5. The home screen body when theres Active Orders with the status “assigned to driver” should be as followed:
The option selected to show the orders filtered by "Active orders"
Order card
Open Map button disactivated
6. The home screen body when theres Active Orders with the status “in delivery” should be as
Active Orders with the status “assigned to driver” should be as followed:
The option selected to show the orders filtered by "Active orders"
Order card
Open Map button activated
7. When clicking at the brand Logo a bottom sheet with the options Call Restaurant and Navigate back to restaurant should be returned.