Oracle API - Items

Payloads in this section refer to the examples documented here: Oracle Config - Items

This is the Transaction Services API’s Menu call for the first example:


In the next example the 2102002 - Sm Regular Pepsi is only available to be ordered in restaurant and price is 39.


Transaction Services API: Menu:


In the next example the item 1001137 - Chipotle Stacker King is available from 9/9/2024 to 9/20/2024. It is not available before 9/9/2024 and after 9/20/2024.

This is an Transaction Services API call retrieving the menu, the call was made on 9/16/2024 and the result is as below, the price is returned because it is active:

This is same call made on 9/21/2024, the result is different, the price is not returned because it is not active anymore: