IBFEC-53 – Updated Agreement handling (BE)


  •  Possibles questions about this feature

Technical Refinement


  • intl-user-service

    • TASK 1 - Add attribute on Dto

      • We will add the new attribute on class UserDetailsBaseDto:

        • path: intl-user-service/src/users/dtos/users.dtos.ts

          @ApiProperty({ required: false, description: 'Required acceptance agreement info', type: [RequiredAcceptanceAgreementInfoDto], nullable: true, }) @Type(() => RequiredAcceptanceAgreementInfoDto) @IsArray() @IsOptional() public requiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo?: RequiredAcceptanceAgreementInfoDto[] | null;
        • On class UserDetailsDto on constructor, we will add a mapper:

          const requiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo = userDetails.requiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo?.map( (ra: IRequiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo) => ra as RequiredAcceptanceAgreementInfoDto, );
          this.requiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo = requiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo;
  • ctg-packages

    • TASK 2 - add the attribute on TUserDetails

      • We will add the attribute requiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo on TUserDetails:

        • path: intl-packages/packages/users/src/schemata.ts

  • intl-packages

    • TASK 3 - add the attribute on TUserDetails

      • Duplicate change to done on ctg-packages

  • intl-whitelabel-graphql

    • TASK 4 - add the attribute on UpdateUserDetailsInput

      • We will add the attribute requiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo on UpdateUserDetailsInput

        • path: intl-whitelabel-graphql/src/functions/graphql/schemas/users.gql

      • We will run the command:

        • After that, will be created an automatic code on file: intl-whitelabel-graphql/src/functions/graphql/generated/graphql.ts, probably, will be many changes, but we can to discard all, except of change related about requiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo

  • intl-whitelabel-app

    • TASK 5 - Create method to update requiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo

      • We will create an update method to requiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo

        • path:intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/state/auth/hooks/use-current-user.ts

        • And we will export this method from hook


  • TODO


  • TODO

Impact Analysis

  • Authentication

Unit Test

  • Authentication


  • TODO

Useful Links

Workflows: Lucidchart document | Lucidchart

Existent behavior: Terms and Conditions - Technical Refinement - Discovery As-Is