IBFEC-51 – Transition page services (whitelabel-app)


  •  Possibles questions about this feature

Technical Refinement


  • intl-whitelabel-graphql

    • TASK 1 - Create type

      • We will create a type named RequiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo

        • path: intl-whitelabel-graphql/src/functions/graphql/schemas/users.gql

          type RequiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo { """ Acceptance Agreement ID """ id: String """ Updated Date """ updatedAt: String }
      • Also, we will add requiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo on type UserDetails

        type UserDetails { ... """ Acceptance Agreement info """ requiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo: [RequiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo] }
      • We will run the command:

        yarn run graphql:types
        • After that, will be created an automatic code on file: intl-whitelabel-graphql/src/functions/graphql/generated/graphql.ts, probably, will be many changes, but we can to discard all, except of change related about requiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo

  • intl-whitelabel-app

    • TASK 2 - Create fragment

      • We will add the attribute requiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo on fragment:

        • path: intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/remote/queries/user.ts

        • We will run the command:

          • After that, will be created an automatic code on file: intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/generated/rbi-graphql.tsx, probably, will be many changes, but we can to discard all, except of change related about:

    • TASK 3 - Refactore method getRequiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo

      • We will change the existent method getRequiredAcceptanceAgreementInfo (name and container)

        • path: intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/state/auth/hooks/use-account-authentication.ts

          • before

          • after

          • After that, we will update the call from method signUp

            • before

            • after

          • We will create the method validateAcceptanceAgreement

          • Finishing, we will export these methods getAcceptanceAgreementFromSanity and validateAcceptanceAgreement on hook useAccountAuthentication return

    • TASK 4 - Add validation on index auth

      • On file:

        • path: intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/state/auth/index.tsx

        • We will export validateAcceptanceAgreement

        • After that, we will create a useEffect:

          • We will add on useEffect the method getCtx because all time the getCtx will change, we will validate the Acceptance Agreements


  • TODO


  • TODO

Impact Analysis

  • Signup

  • Authentication

Unit Test

  • Signup

  • Authentication


  • TODO

Useful Links

Workflows: https://lucid.app/lucidchart/56ec4afb-d8ea-42a2-a2dd-3cc38bfd87e7/edit?viewport_loc=-11%2C-75%2C2219%2C1004%2C0_0&invitationId=inv_57ecb6ad-cde2-4c13-be58-853204ed3007

Existent behavior: