[Android] In-app message redirect - Implementation result



The internal redirect to a specific page within the app by In-app messages is working on Android.

We recommend using a deep link or the direct path in order to redirect the user.

Also, it is possible to use UTM parameters.

Some examples that can be used:

Deep links:



Direct path:



Dynamic Link:

The dynamic link is working and the user is redirected, however, we do not recommend it because the dynamic link needs to reach the Firebase and the browser is open before the user is redirected to the app again.

Instructions to add a deep link on In-app message:

1- Create a new journey builder on Salesforce

2- Add a message.

3- On button 1 > Behavior, select the option “Open page in-app":

4- Add the deep link or the direct path:

5- Finish other settings and publish your journey.