[Test Cases] Visibility control of the fees



Only Delivery Fee

Scenario 1: User sees only the Delivery Fee information on the cart page

Background: Whitelabel Homepage Given I have accessed the Whitelabel app And I have only the Delivery Fee configured on the Launch Darkly |tier |Delivery Fee |Delivery Fee discount| |0,00€ |4,99€ |0,00€ | |>10,00€ |3,99€ |0,00€ | |>16,00€ |2,99€ |0,00€ | |>20,00€ |1,99€ |0,00€ | Scenario Outline: User sees only the Delivery Fee information on the cart page When I add a product to my cart via delivery And I access the cart page Then I should not sees the Service Fee information on the cart page <cart_elements> But I should see the Delivery Fee information on the cart page <cart_elements> Examples: |cart_elements | |Cart fees | |Cart values | |Fees details modal | |Save up to - Progress bar |


Scenario 2: User sees only the Delivery Fee information on the receipts

Background: Whitelabel Homepage Given I have accessed the Whitelabel app And I have only the Delivery Fee configured on the Launch Darkly |tier |Delivery Fee |Delivery Fee discount| |0,00€ |4,99€ |0,00€ | |>10,00€ |3,99€ |0,00€ | |>16,00€ |2,99€ |0,00€ | |>20,00€ |1,99€ |0,00€ | Scenario Outline: User sees only the Delivery Fee information on the receipts When I add a product to my cart via delivery And I access the cart page Then I should not see the Service Fee information on the receipts on the pages: <pages> But I should see the Delivery Fee information on the receipts on the pages: <pages> Examples: |pages | |Confirmation order | |Recent order details | |Email confirmation |


Scenario 3: User sees only the Delivery Fee information being sent to the Delivery Partner - Airtouch

Background: Whitelabel Homepage Given I have accessed the Whitelabel app And I have only the Delivery Fee configured on the Launch Darkly |tier |Delivery Fee |Delivery Fee discount| |0,00€ |4,99€ |0,00€ | |>10,00€ |3,99€ |0,00€ | |>16,00€ |2,99€ |0,00€ | |>20,00€ |1,99€ |0,00€ | Scenario Outline: User sees only the Delivery Fee information being sent to the Delivery Partner - Airtouch When I place an order via delivery Then I should not see the Service Fee information on the Delivery Partner - Airtouch But I should see the Delivery Fee information on the Delivery Partner - Airtouch


Scenario 4: User sees only the Delivery Fee information being sent to the Delivery Partner - Homeria


Scenario 5: User sees only the Delivery Fee information being sent to the POS



Only Delivery Fee + Delivery Fee Discounts

Scenario 6: User sees only the Delivery Fee + Delivery Fee Discounts on the cart page


Delivery Fee as Free - Orders over 20

Scenario 7: User sees only the Delivery Fee as Free on the cart page


Delivery Fee and the Service Fee

Scenario 8: User sees the Delivery fee and Service fee information on the cart page


Delivery Fee + Delivery Fee Discounts and Service Fee + Service Fee Discounts

Scenario 9: User sees the Delivery Fee + Delivery Fee Discounts and Service Fee + Service Fee Discounts information on the cart page


Delivery Fee and the Service Fee as Free - Promotional Free

Scenario 10: User sees the Delivery Fee and Service Fee information as Free on the cart page - Promotional Free


Delivery Fee and the Service Fee as Free - Orders over 20

Scenario 11: User sees the Delivery fee and Service fee information as Free on the cart page