BK Spain Engagement - NPS Documentation
Campaign Flow
Step 1 (Push + TT Transaction ID)
Update the user attribute to include the Transaction RBI Cloud Order ID as a custom attribute
Send notification to the user after 30m to prompt them to rate the order
Entry criteria:
Action based canvas based on user performing Delivery_status_change where Name = ORDER_PICKED_UP-ORDER_DROPPED_OFF
User are re-eligble every 2 hours for the campaign
In the first step we update the attribute TT Transaction ID with the Transaction RBI Cloud Order ID. The code is:
{{canvas_entry_properties.${Transaction RBI Cloud Order ID}}}
In the second step, we have a delay of 25 minutes (to ensure the user has had time to enjoy the order) and
Check points:
Improvement: include email for people who ordered via web
Step 2 (IAM)
In the second step, we are sending the IAM to all eligible users.
The in-app message HTML has the following logic to log the custom event and the customer attributes
appboyBridge.logCustomEvent('NPS_Survey_Completed', {
Puntos_surv5: (selectedScore + 1).toString(),
Feedback_surv5: feedback,
url: window.location.href,
Motivos_surv5: whatHappend,
rbiOrderId: "{{custom_attribute.${TTransactionID}}}",
transactionID: transactionIDVal,
user_id: "{{${user_id}}}",
purchase_id: "{{event_properties.${Transaction Id}}}"
People can re-enter every 120 minutes
We limit to people who got the push less then 2 hours ago
Step 3 (Webhook)
Configure a webhook to hit mParticle server & log the custom event
POST [Api Endpoint] Authorization: Basic [Server to Server Key+":"+Server to server Secret]= Content-Type: application/json { "schema_version": 2, "environment": "production", "user_identities": { "customer_id": "{{${user_id}}}", }, "events": [ { "data": { "event_name": "NPS_Survey_Completed", "custom_event_type": "Other", "custom_attributes": { "rbiOrderId": "{{canvas_entry_properties.${rbiOrderId}}}", "Feedback_surv5": "{{canvas_entry_properties.${Feedback_surv5}}}", "Puntos_surv5": "{{canvas_entry_properties.${Puntos_surv5}}}", "Motivos_surv5": "{{canvas_entry_properties.${Motivos_surv5}}}" }, }, "event_type": "custom_event" } ] }
Api Endpoint, Server Key and server secret correspond to mParticle Custom Feed Input, described in the requirement section of this documentation. [Server to Server Key+":"+Server to server Secret]
must be encoded in base64
Order push BK
Unify the NPS
Prompt user to activate PN after order
Ticket IOS push tokens
UTMs review
Push prompt IOS
Email for user that do not have push enabled
Update IAM to remove reference of Google Play Store & Apple Store
Documentation NPS
Documentation order push notifications