Kiosk - Edge Cases

This page documents edge cases that can happen when RBI guests place orders using the Kiosk, part of . See also and .


1. Switch users

  • Guest signs in, then scans a code from a different user


Expected results (POS)

Expected results (RBI app)

Loyalty API usage (Kiosk)


Expected results (POS)

Expected results (RBI app)

Loyalty API usage (Kiosk)

Guest opens the Loyalty code page on the RBI app

  • No action

  • Loyalty code page is displayed:

  • No action

Guest taps on the Kiosk screen to start a new order

  • Loyalty sign in page shows up on the Kiosk and scanner becomes active

  • No action

  • No action

Guest scans the loyalty code or inputs 6 digit code in Kiosk

  • Kiosk authenticates the guest and shows the home page

  • Scanner remains active

  • Guest receives a successful confirmation modal


  • Call the Identify endpoint, which will return the Loyalty User ID, loyalty points balance and a transaction ID

Guest opens an reward on the RBI app in a different device, using a different user, and chooses to redeem in restaurant

  • No action

  • Reward of is added to the guest’s pre-selection (on the second device)

  • A unique reward code is generated

  • No action

Guest (on their second device) either scans the reward’s QR code, or inputs the 6 digit code in the Kiosk

  • Modal shows in the Kiosk, letting the user know that the last scan was made using a different user account

  • Contents of the second scan are not added to the guest’s basket (so the current basket remains unchanged)

  • The second scan is cancelled/voided

  • Initial order can continue normally

  • Modal is shown to the second user confirming that the offer has been added to cart (displaying this modal cannot be avoided)

  • The reward’s loyalty points cost is temporarily subtracted from the guest’s loyalty points balance

  • Loyalty points that will be accrued after the order will not be added to the guest’s loyalty points balance at this stage

  • Reward pre-selection is cleared

  • A few seconds later, the loyalty points are returned to the second user

  • Keep track of the current basket contents including rewards

  • Call the Identify endpoint again, and wait for the response

  • The new transaction will come with a different loyaltyId

  • Check the Loyalty ID of this transaction does not match Loyalty ID of previous transaction

  • Void this second transaction

  • Keep the current basket open with previous transaction

2. Users Order in Kiosk and Pay @ Counter

Guest begins an order in the kiosk and chooses option to pay at cash at counter. The order will be closed by the POS.


Expected results (Kiosk)

Expected results (RBI app)

Loyalty API usage (Kiosk)


Expected results (Kiosk)

Expected results (RBI app)

Loyalty API usage (Kiosk)

Guest opens the Loyalty code page on the RBI app

  • No action

  • Loyalty code page is displayed:

  • No action

Guest taps on the Kiosk screen to start a new order

  • Loyalty sign in page shows up on the Kiosk and scanner becomes active

  • No action

  • No action

Guest scans the loyalty code or inputs 6 digit code in Kiosk

  • Kiosk authenticates the guest and shows the home page

  • Scanner remains active

  • Guest receives a successful confirmation modal


  • Call the Identify endpoint, which will return the Loyalty User ID, loyalty points balance and a transaction ID

Guest opens an reward on the RBI app, chooses to redeem in restaurant

  • No action

  • Reward is added to the guest’s pre-selection

  • A unique reward code is generated

  • No action

Guest either scans the reward’s QR code or inputs 6 digit code into Kiosk

Note: the pre-selected reward(s) will show in the Kiosk screen after scanning with an option for the user to customize it

  • Reward(s) are shown on the Kiosk and guest has an option to customize

  • Modal is shown to guest confirming that the reward has been added to cart

  • The reward’s loyalty points cost is temporarily subtracted from the guest’s loyalty points balance at this moment

  • Reward pre-selection is cleared

  • Keep track of the current basket contents including rewards

  • Call the Identify endpoint again, which will create a new transaction ID and return selected reward(s)

  • Void the previous transaction

  • Wait for Void Confirmation

Guest customizes reward(s) at will and adds to basket

  • The reward(s) are incrementally added to the cart and does not replace any of the existing cart items

Note: If a reward can’t be redeemed because the reward rules are not met, the Kiosk displays a modal to the guest explaining why the reward can’t be added to cart

  • No action

  • Call the Update endpoint with all of the Kiosk basket contents and a status of PENDING

On the Kiosk UI, navigates to the rewards page

Note: this step is only possible if the market has decided to allow showing rewards on the UI.

  • Rewards are displayed

  • No action

  • Query Sanity to Display Rewards in the Kiosk

Guest adds a reward to basket

  • Guest selects and adds reward to cart


  • The reward’s loyalty points cost is temporarily subtracted from the guest’s loyalty points balance in the app

  • Call the Update endpoint with all of the Kiosk basket contents and a status of PENDING

Guest remove a reward from basket

  • Guest removes a reward from Kiosk basked

  • The reward’s loyalty points is temporarily added back to the guest’s loyalty points balance in the app

  • Call the Update endpoint with all of the Kiosk basket contents and a status of PENDING

Guest goes to checkout screen

  • Guest sees basket of all items at checkout

  • No action

  • Call the Transaction Validate endpoint to verify that the current basket selection is valid

  • Note that the call above may return errors. Please refer to for details.

Guest chooses to pay at the counter using cash

  • Kiosk and POS exchange an order ID (this depends on the specific POS/Kiosk integration)

  • Receipt is printed with the pending order ID

  • No change


  • Call the Update endpoint with all of the Kiosk basket contents and a status of PENDING

  • Kiosk sends this transaction information with the order details to POS vendor

Guest arrives at the counter to pay, guests add 1 more menu item to order and pays for the order

  • Cashier finds the order of guest

  • Cashier adds 1 more menu item to open order

  • Cashier finalizes the order at POS after receiving cash payment

  • POS prints receipt with points earned & points balance

  • Guest sees updated points balance

  • The Kiosk should communicate with the POS to transfer the order over (this step is implementation-dependent and out of scope for this document)

  • No action performed on the Loyalty API

  • Call the Transaction Validate endpoint to verify that the current basket selection is valid

  • Note that the call above may return errors. Please refer to for details.

  • After collecting the payment, the POS should call the Transaction Update endpoint with a status of CLAIMED

  • After this call it is not possible to modify the loyalty transaction anymore

  • POS cancels the order after X minutes (configurable by the POS) that the guest has not paid the order started at the Kiosk

  • Temporary reward points that were deducted from User’s account are returned back to user balance after X minutes

  • Call the Void endpoint to cancel the order after X minutes