[DEPRECATED] Static Pages

[DEPRECATED] Static Pages

Marketing Content → Components → Static Pages

What are Static Pages?

Static Pages are used to maintain static content and display it in the best way for our guest. These will be displayed both for web and mobile views (app included).

You can leverage a lot of features for Static Pages, which are meant to unlock your creativity and save you significant development time. No code skills are needed, even though you are also free to add some custom code to build next level experiences for your guests!

Over the years, our Franchisees have gone above and beyond to create relevant experiences for their guests. Looking for some inspiration? Check these out:


Setting it up

For a static page to work there are certain fields that are necessary:


This will be the title that will be displayed in sanity to track the static page


This will be the path that you would like the static page to have. When we display our site in multiple languages the path needs to be localized in each language it is available.

Best Practices Tip

Paths shouldn’t be longer than two/three words → nutrition-explorer, privacy-policy

Clicking the generate button will create an optimal path based on the title you chose

For internal links, use the format /path and for external links, use the full URL

These paths need to be set up in a certain way for the app to work accurately:

  • Privacy Policy → privacy-policy

  • Contact Us → contact-us

  • Terms of use / Terms & Conditions→ terms-of-use

Redirect URL

If you want this page to redirect the user to another page, please fill the path here.

For internal links, use the format /path and for external links, use the full URL

Included in Sitemap

Toggling this option will include this page in the sitemap of the website.

To learn more about sitemaps click here.


Widgets will give you the ability to add functionality for your static pages, without having to code a single line.

Header widget

  • This will be the header that appears in the static page. It needs to be localized if your site has multiple languages. If you would like a picture under the header feel free to add one in the image section but it is not required. The Tag line is also not required.


Locale Block Widget

  • This is the widget you will use if you would like to add a piece of text to your static page. The text can be bolded, italicized, add a hyperlink to a piece of text etc…


Quote Widget

  • This will be used to post a quote from someone in your static page

Video Widget

  • This will be used if you would like to add a video in the page.


Image Widget

  • This will be used to add an image in the page


Preview Widget

  • This will be used to show a set of image previews with body text to redirect the user to a specific page.


Accordion Widget

  • This is very useful when you want to have a lot of information of a page but you want the user to have some interaction for it to see all of it. This is a widget used for Q&A a lot.

    • Steps:

      • Each Accordion widget will be for a set of questions for example Top Questions or App Questions etc …


      • To add the different sets of content add different sets of collapsed content in the Accordion Content section. The collapsed content will be the question while the expanded content will be the answer


Anchor Widget

  • This needs to be used with Anchor Links Widget and a Locale Block Widget. This widgets give the user the opportunity when they click in a link to be directed to a specific part of the page. You need to set them up the following way

    • Firstly a Block Text with the section of text that you would like to have the links to direct the user to another section. In the piece of text add an external link and set it with a # and the name of the link. --Need help here


    • Add the Anchor Links Widget, users wont see this so you can call it however you would like


    • Add an Anchor Widget, in here add the string of text you would like the user to be redirected to


    • Add a block text with the section text that you want the user to be redirected to


Call to action Widget

  • This is very similar to the Preview Widget but this one displays the Header, Body , Image and Link in a vertical way rather than horizontal

Custom CSS

JS scripts will not execute in Static Pages, for security reasons.

You may want to achieve the desired result but creating a HTML redirect to a different page containing those scripts.

This field will allow you to customize the CSS code for this static page.


JS scripts will not execute in Static Pages, for security reasons.

You may want to achieve the desired result but creating a HTML redirect to a different page containing those scripts.

This field will allow you to customize the HTML code for this static page.



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