[DEPRECATED] Support Category Groups
Guide under construction
Under support category groups we are able to maintain the support categories that appear on our app and website. Within this section, we are able to add additional subcategories to a group, remove a category group, and add new category groups. We will go over the specifics for each of these actions below.
Adding new subcategories to a group
You are able to add a subcategory to a category by clicking the “add” button
Once click add you will need to search for the desired subcategory, please note the subcategory must already exist under “support subcategories” see the support subcategories page for details on how to add one
After you have selected the correct category remember to click “publish” to view your changes
Removing Category/Subcategory Groups
To remove a subcategory group simply select the trash icon next to the group
You will be asked for confirmation that you would like to remove this item
Once you have confirmed your changes click publish to view the updates on web
Add New Category Groups
To add a new category groups click the + sign
From here you will be prompted to add a title and initial subcategories
If you have not created the subcategories yet, put “other” as a place holder to build this out
Once you have added in your desired categories you are also able to edit the order in which they appear by holding down the three lines on the right and dragging them up or down
When you have added all of the subcategories and adjusted their order you can publish your changes to view the results on web