[DEPRECATED] Challenges
What are Challenges?
The purpose of a Challenge is to be able to offer benefits to users who exhibit certain behaviour over a period of time.
A Challenge is the document that references the benefit (or incentive) the user will get and defines a list of steps (the behaviour) that the user must complete by making purchases.
When the user completes all of the steps, the benefit (reward, offer or bonus points) is unlocked (made available) to the user.
The user must come 3x in the month of January in order to unlock a free whopper.
The user must purchase 2 chicken sandwiches to unlock 250 bonus points.
The user must order via delivery, minimum subtotal $15, 3 times to unlock a BOGO Offer.
Challenge Steps
Steps in a Challenge refer to certain tasks the user needs to complete in a Challenge to unlock the Incentive (i.e. Order 3 Chicken Sandwiches in 1 week to unlock 250 Bonus Points)
Steps should be thought of as a set of rules which are defined in Sanity:
Steps have a standard set of criteria that can be tracked in a transaction (i.e. minimum subtotal, cart specific requirements, service modes, time of transaction) to count as rules in a step.
Each step can have multiple Cart Requirements and based on the number of Cart Requirements we will display 2 different UI components for the step.
If Cart Requirement equals 1 Item/Offer, we will show the Item/Offer as the step.
If Cart Requirement equals more than 1 Item/Offer or NO Item/Offer, we will show a Generic Component as the step.
As opposed to top level rules, these will be evaluated post transaction, to track user progress. Think of this like checking the boxes. Once the criteria has been met, we do not need to continue re-evaluating that same rule (unless the Challenge is configured to complete steps on distinct purchases).
Challenges will support the ability to activate/deactivate Distinct Purchases which controls if a single transaction can complete multiple steps in a single Challenge.
Must be distinct purchases toggle = turn on means the user needs to complete an order to each step challenge, so depends on how many steps we have setup users need to place an order to complete each step challenge
Challenge Incentives
There are 3 types of Challenge incentives for completing a Challenge:
Bonus Points: The user will earn a defined number of points when the Challenge is completed.
Offer: The user will unlock an Offer when the Challenge is completed.
Reward: The user will unlock a Reward when the Challenge is completed.
Once the Challenge is completed (a user completed all of the steps), the referenced incentive must be immediately made available to the user (unlocked):
Offer / Reward: the incentive gets created as a personalized record for the user to use through the existing flows (lists, swap, S&D, etc.).
Offer/Reward can be governed using existing rulesets in Sanity like a standard offer/reward
Phase 1 Post MVP (Estimated Q3 2022): the offer/reward will immediately be made to the user upon successful completion of Challenge.
Future Phase Post MVP (needs to be prioritized): brands would like the ability to “time” when an offer/reward can be made available to the user upon completion of Challenge (i.e. specific date, X days after completion)
Note: Offers and Rewards tied to the Challenge will require a max redemption rule in Sanity to avoid abuse, but we will default to 1 redemption if this is not provided
Bonus Points (MVP): automatically adds the bonus points for the user’s balance:
will be a claimed loyalty transaction where channel =
these transactions will be filtered from Challenge progress tracking (same for orderless transactions and any other system transactions) so that we are not double counting towards Challenges fulfilment.
Bonus Points earned through Challenges will appear in user’s loyalty history.
The Challenge Incentive when the Challenge is completed should have its own set of rules (as they normally do). This will be set on the incentive’s document (SW Offer, Reward), and the Challenge doesn’t need to know anything about it.
Challenge Terms
The Challenge Terms Section appears at the bottom of the Challenge Drawer.
The content in this section is customizable for each Challenge from Sanity. The goal for this section is to highlight the Challenge Terms and Conditions for the User.
Challenge FE Components
Challenge Tile
Not Active State - User has not yet activated the Challenge
Note: As per UX Research, the “View Details” CTA will be removed from the initial MVP designs. The research stated that having two CTAs was causing confusion amongst users as users as to when the Challenge is actually started.
Active State - User has activated the Challenge but not completed all the steps in the Challenge
Completed State - User has completed all the steps in the Challenge and the Incentive is Unlocked
Redeemed State - User has redeemed the Incentive
Challenge Drawer
Not Active State - User has not yet activated the Challenge
Active State (No steps completed) - User has activated the Challenge but not completed any steps in the Challenge
Active State (Not all steps completed) - User has activated the Challenge but not completed all of the steps in the Challenge
Completed State - User has completed all the steps in the Challenge and the Incentive is Unlocked
Redeemed State - User has redeemed the Incentive (only applies to Offer/Reward Incentives)
Challenge Library
The Challenges Library contains all the Available Challenges, Challenges in Progress and the Completed Challenges for the User.