[DEPRECATED] Kiosk Inspector

[DEPRECATED] Kiosk Inspector

The Kiosk Inspector tool can be launched directly from the kiosk screen and also remotely from the browser.


  • Reload: Reloads the kiosk app

  • Activate Test mode: Signs in the user to a test account for testing orders

  • Send Diagnostics: Generates logs in Datadog monitoring tool

  • Info: Basic information, including store and kiosk IDs

  • Devices: Provides the status of integrated devices on the kiosk

  • Backend Status: Provides the status of backend services used by the kiosk app

  • Day Parts: Lists the Menu Day Parts added in Sanity CMS

  • Store diagnostics: Fetches store information from Sanity CMS relevant to the store heartbeat check and shows the overall status of the latest heartbeat check

  • Auth: Provides information related to the client access token

    • Verify Access token: Confirms if token is valid or not

Triggering the Inspector

  • In lower environments, tap a single time in the top-left corner to launch the inspector tool

  • In production environments, tap four times in the top-left corner and then add the access code (see below) to launch the inspector tool

Access Code (production)

The access code is always different because it’s based on the current date and time, which is displayed above the input field. Here’s the formula to calculate the access code:


where YY are the last two digits of the displayed year.


  • 2023-06-14 11:0522306145

  • 2023-11-14 08:2282311144

  • 2023-02-14 07:0772302147


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