[DEPRECATED] Reviewing & Testing via the Browser
The rbi kiosk app can be viewed remotely via the browser.
Example URLs:
Staging environment: https://staging-bk-kiosk.co.nz.rbi.tools/
Production environment: https://prod-bk-kiosk.co.nz.rbi.tools/
Change the brand and country identifiers accordingly (for example, https://staging-fhs-kiosk.ch.rbi.tools/)
Production environment:
For security reasons, each user must raise a ticket to request a personal token for authentication.
Users will be prompted to enter their personal token in a second step after entering the generic password used for all rbi web apps.
This unique token must be securely stored and must not be used in incognito mode, on any other browser or any other device.
If you believe that the token has been accessed by other users, please raise a ticket.
If there is a problem to access the production environment, please raise a ticket.
For testing a specific store, please add the query string ?storeId="n" on the end of the URL (where “n” is the store number in the Sanity CMS).
Please be aware that any completed orders will be sent to the kitchen!
See also ‘Kiosk Inspector’ page for testing and debugging tips.
The kiosk app is best viewed in custom dimensions of 1080 x 1920
Steps to add a custom device (for Chrome):
Select ‘Developer Tools’ under View > Developer
Select the top level Settings icon
Select Devices
Add custom device
Add the dimensions of 1080 x 1920 and save with a device name such as ‘kiosk’
Select the newly added device