[DEPRECATED] Menu (Interactions)
Event Name | Description | Properties | Property Description |
| Triggered when a section tab is clicked. |
| The locale specific label for that section. E.G: Specials or All Burgers. |
| When the user clicks on a section tab. Fired alongside the | component |
text | The locale specific label for that section. E.G: Specials or All Burgers. | ||
componentId | The id of the section, usually a UUID that uniquely identifies the section. | ||
| Triggered when the All Categories modal is shown on mobile. | ModalHeader | It has the value set to All Categories to identify the modal that is being shown. |
| Triggered when a product from the menu is clicked. | component |
text | The locale specific name of the product clicked. | ||
componentId | An UUID representing the unique ID of the product. | ||
| Triggered when the user changes the picker aspect value (e.g: select a different product size). | component |
text | Picker Aspect Option identifier. | ||
headerText | Locale specific Picker Aspect name. | ||
componentId | Picker Aspect unique ID. | ||
| Triggered when a user modifies a product (e.g. changes the number of patties on a burger, add extra onion, etc). | component |
text | Picker Aspect Option name (e.g: Extra) | ||
headerText | Picker Aspect Option input name (e.g: Patty) | ||
componentId | Picker Aspect Option unique ID. | ||
| Triggered after the user modifies a product and saves the changes. | component |
text |
| ||
| Triggered when a user adds a product to the cart or updates a product from the cart. | component |
text |