Bonus Points Promotions

Bonus Points Promotions



Bonus points promotions is a tool that can be used to give extra points to a guest, whenever the guest completes certain actions. There are 2 types of promotions: bonus points and points multiplier promotions.

Bonus points assigns a set amount of extra points to the guest. For example, if you are launching a new Vegan Whopper and want to reward users for ordering this new product, you can setup a promotion where guests earn an extra 250 loyalty points by ordering this product.

Points Multiplier is used to multiply the amount of loyalty points that refers to the guest’s full cart by a specific number. For example if it is a guest’s birthday you can award them 2X points (double points) on their Birthday order.

Bonus points promotion

How is it configured?

Step 1: Create a bonus points promotion in Sanity

Navigate to Order-Level Content > Loyalty & Offers > Incentives > Bonus Points Promotions > Systemwide Promotions and click the “+” button on top right to create a new bonus point promotion.

Note: To create a new promotion, do not duplicate a preexisting / published promotion.


Step 2: Content Section

We’ve broken up content fields and bonus points promotions mechanic fields to make it easier to create and update these. The key distinction between the two is that ‘mechanics’ fields have a direct impact on the functionality of the bonus points promotions, and ‘content’ fields are purely visual and only impact the UI of an offer in the app / website.

Loyalty Engine ID

This is populated automatically. No update needed here.



This is an internal name. The name that will be displayed in Sanity - it will help you quickly to identify, search, and organize your offers.


Promo Message

This is the promo message that will show for guests in the app. This message will only show when a points multiplier promotion is available to the guest. This message shows in the banner at top corner of the page, so must be concerned with character length




Step 3: Mechanics Section

The fields under the ‘mechanics’ dropdown control the functionality of the bonus points promotion. An example of this is the rules the promotion should respect when calculating bonus points.

Points Multiplier

In this field, input the number that loyalty points should be multiplied by. This is a multiplier on the guest’s entire cart value.

Bonus points

In this field, input the number of bonus points that you would like guests to be awarded.

Note: You cannot mix points multiplier and bonus points in one promotion. In one promotion, you will need to choose either to use points multiplier or bonus points.

Systemwide Promotion

In this section you will set the rulesets that need to be fulfilled for the guest to be able to get the bonus points awarded to their account. Please refer to all the rules here: Loyalty - Rulesets

Example configuration for awarding 250 bonus points for ordering Vegan Whopper

  1. Under Mechanics, you will set the Bonus Points to be awarded to the User for ordering the item

  1. Next you will define the rules for the Systemwide Promotion. For most campaigns its important to set the start and end date. This can be done using the Loyalty Between-Dates rule.

  1. For this Promotion, the User must order a Vegan Whopper to earn the Bonus Points. So we will set a Cart Requirements Ruleset which contains the Vegan Whopper.

Note: the bonus points will only be awarded to the guest for ordering that item if the correct PLU is configured for the item. For markets that have both online and in-restaurant ordering, please ensure the PLU that your POS vendor(s) is sending in the order is the same PLU that is mapped in Sanity. If the PLU is not correctly mapped in Sanity, the bonus points promotion will not work. In order to check the PLUs are correct, click on the Item or Combo > Vendor Configs and check that the PLUs inputted map to what the POS vendor(s) is sending for in-restaurant and online orders.

Example configuration for earning 2X Points on guest’s birthday order

  1. Under Mechanics, You will set the Points Multiplier to be awarded to the User for their order. In this use-case we will put 2 since we want the user to earn 2X the points.

  1. Next you will define the rules for the Systemwide Promotion. For this Promotion, it has to be the guest’s birthday (set on their Profile when signing up to the app or after) for them to earn 2X points on their order. We will use the Birthday Multiplier Ruleset to set this validation.

Test Only

If this toggle is turned on the bonus point promotion will only be available in lower environments (Dev, Staging and QA). Even if the promotion is accidentally pushed to Production, it will not show up for users in the app/website.


Step 4: Publish

Now that we’ve configured the content, the mechanics and configured the rulesets for the promotion, we can hit Publish for the Promotion to go Live! After publishing, you should see the Loyalty Engine ID field populate.

Step 5: Test the bonus points promotion

Go to the Staging environment in the app (https://staging-{brand}-web.{country}.rbi.tools/rewards/offers) and test:

  • Redeeming an order online. Check for content, pricing and success of order. Read here for more information on the online ordering flow: Offers - Online Ordering Flow

  • Redeeming an order in restaurant. To test ordering the offer in-restaurant, connect with your POS and Kiosk vendor(s) to setup a lab environment for you to test. Read here for more information on the in restaurant ordering flow: Offers - In Restaurant Ordering Flow

Step 6: Migrate to Production

After thoroughly testing your bonus point promotion is working in Staging environment, follow this guide to migrate the offer from Staging environment to QA and Production environments: Menu - Content Migration.


Please refer to the loyalty events here: [DEPRECATED] Loyalty & Offers Events (Conversion) | Transactions

Bonus points earned can be seen as the attribute bonusPointsEarned in the loyalty transactions events.

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