Restaurant Allow Payment Methods
The Allow Payment Methods Data is saved on Sanity, in the Restaurant Document, and it is only available to be read. If we want to change the values, we need to access the FZ-Portal.
The Whitelabel-app uses this information to control which payment methods can be used by the user.
For more details about this limitation, please read the document of FZ-Portal.
Configuration of Payment Methods
To display the payment method on DOP, we first need to add the payments on Sanity. This can be done on this screen; however, access is limited to technical personnel only, as it involves configuration.
Database of DOP Allow Payments
After saving the status of each payment on DOP, these payments are recorded in Sanity within the Restaurant Document.
FZ-Portal (DOP)
To change this information, we need to use the FZ-Portal. More details here.
The Whitelabel app hides or shows payment methods based on the status saved in DOP. More details here.
Feature Flag
Intl Tech - Guest App (Whitelabel)
FZ Portal (DOP)