Oracle - Simphony Reporting & Analytics: Manual Export
RBI TLOGPMIX export is executed automatically after the end of each business day by Simphony. However, there might be cases when reprocess of past business days is required, in these cases the Franchisee must execute the export manually through the Reporting & Analytics portal.
The manual export should be executed for each business day and restaurant using the process explained below.
Step by Step
Login to Oracle Simphony Reporting and Analytics portal using your credentials.
Note: You should have permissions granted in your profile to be able to execute TLOG exports.
RBI DMTE URL: Oracle MICROS Simphony
Once logged in, click in the menu button on the top left corner.
Then click on the Configuration / Export Maintenance option.
Select the business date to export, the Start and End dates must be equal. If more than one business day is required then export only one business day at a time.
Select the Restaurant (Location) to Export the data. If data is required for more than one Restaurant then export one Restaurant at a time.
Click in the Execute button
Click in the Run Export link
A Message will appear informing that export will be run.
And Export should appear in the pending Export list
10. Repeat the process for every Restaurant and business day.
11. Each new Export will appear in the Pending Export list and will disappear once it is run.